Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. 1 Cor. 15:58


Friday, October 28, 2011

day 131: Encourager Checklist (VIII)

1 Thessalonians 5:18
Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.


There are circumstances when thanking God is the last thing you want to do.  But if we look at that verse again, Paul isn't telling us to be thankful FOR all circumstances--- just to be thankful through them.

Over at my other blog Oh That Mom Again... I love to do something called 'Thankful Tuesday' which means that every Tuesday I list the things in the week I am thankful for then make a link up in case any other blogs want to join me.

And I do that on the good weeks and the not so good weeks.

I love to take time to be thankful because sometimes-- we aren't-- sometimes *I'M* not.  Sometimes I forget that it took a miracle to wake up in the mornings... SOMETIMES I forget that takes a divine force to make this ole bag of blood, bones, and dirt into a human, living person.

Think about it?  Our body is totally  organic.  There is nothing but water, dirt, vitamins (and maybe something else I can't think of right off hand lol).  It takes a miracle for your body to even be living.

If you have nothing else to thank God for-- thank Him for that.

I encourage each of you to write down what you are thankful for-- if not daily, weekly.  You will see how much you really do have and how much God has truly blessed you.

How does this make me an encourager?

*If you see they things in your life that you should be thankful for, then it is easier to encourage others to find things in their own lives.

*Being thankful makes you happier (mostly), and that happiness effects others' lives.

*Thanking God brings Him to your mind which makes you think of Him more-- you always talk about what you are thinking the most about.  Thinking about a TV show?  You talk about it.  Thinking about God?  You talk about Him.

If you haven't before-- I'd love for you to stop by 'Thankful Tuesday' next week over at and link up.  Sometimes it is just encouraging to read how God has touched other lives :)

God Bless You :)



  1. My husband is on a business trip today and his vehicle broke down - and he says he is grateful because it broke down as he was driving into a fuel station. Thankfulness in the circumstance. Great post as always Kelly
    God bless

  2. That story is so cool! I'd be crying, upset, wondering what I'd done... but he found the good in a bad situation. That is what we are supposed to do. WTG, Tracy's husband :)

  3. Oh yes! I agree with you 110 percent! In my journal, I count my blessings and I number them. I want to count them everyday but I have to confess that some days I forget! :^( Today I am thankful that my husband drove my sister and me to watch a Puss in Boots. My sister is a cat lover and she was so amused. The other week my husband drove us to the eco park for birdwatching. I am grateful that my husband is always available to make my family happy! Patsy from
