Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. 1 Cor. 15:58


Sunday, October 16, 2011

day 119: Sing... Sing a Psalm

Colossians 3:16
Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives.  Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom He gives.  Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts.


As I mentioned yesterday, Megan from Baby Steps Through the Bible posted a guest post by me about singing psalms.  Of course, the book Psalms are just basically songs, and a few days ago, I got to wondering how each song originally sounded.

Now, I know that I will never be able to sing them like they were originally intended (in this life anyway), but that's not the point.

Have you ever forgotten the ABCs?  How do you remember them?  Personallly, I have to sing the ABC song.

What about songs you hear alot?  Do you know the words?  Are they deep in your heart/mind?

I teach special education pre-k and I have this little flip chart that I have been using for about 5 years.  Each letter has a song that goes with it set to a familiar tune.

Like C is sung to the song "Do Your Ears Hang Low?"
Can you bake a cake?
Can you cook a T-bone steak?
Can you make chocolate malted?
Can you make an ice cream shake?
Can you boil a cup of water?
Clean the dishes like you otta?
Can you bake a cake?

Ok.... before you think I've lost my mind, there is a point.  The point is I remember those words because I sing them-- a lot.  I could, right now, sing every one of those songs and they are at school and I'm at home.  They have branded themselves in my head.

People tend to remember more when they sing things.  That's why lots of kids shows have songs on them, because we, as people, learn better that way.

The same for the Psalms.  We might not memorize them by singing, BUT the words, the feeling, the tone, the emotions, we can.  I like to look at each one, try to figure out the tone, the circumstances of it being written, was it happy or sad... and sing it.

I think that singing is a wonderful way to go through Psalm.  You sure can feel it in your heart as you go through the psalms.  And before you know it-- you are praising God.  Can't get better than that :)

God Bless You :)


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