Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. 1 Cor. 15:58


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The End of the Beginning (Day 16/365)

Day 16 :47-50

Main People:
Joseph and his brothers, Jacob, Pharaoh

Key Points:
*The family moved to Egypt which will set up Exodus.

*Because of the famine, the people ran out of money, livestock, and land. They also became slaves to Pharaoh. However, since they were able to eat, they weren’t upset about being slaves (at first anyway). Our circumstances are all in how we look at them.

*The younger brother Ephraim got the blessings from Jacob. It seemed to be a theme a lot in the book of Genesis.

*Reuban didn’t get his double blessing as the oldest because he slept with Jacob’s concubine (uh-oh!)

*Some of the brothers got really great blessings, some… not so awesome.

Verses that Jumped Out at Me:
49:28—Jacob blessed them all with the ‘appropriate’ message. Not everyone got the same one.

50:1-11—Jacob was mourned throughout Egypt for 70 days. Now days, we think we have to ‘get over it’ quickly and move on. Honestly, we can’t do that and it only hurts in the long run. There has to be a time of crying/mourning and a time for healing. It can’t be rushed.

50:20—God brought Joseph though so much to make him a ruler over Egypt. Many people were saved because God knew what would happen and had Joseph there at the right place at the right time. A lot of times, the ‘right’ place doesn’t feel so right at the time, but God knows what He’s doing.

How did the brothers feel about Joseph after their father died?

Tomorrow’s Reading: Exodus 1-3 (Exodus is sad to me. You have Genesis that ends of a hopeful note, and then Exodus… doesn’t start on one. What do you think about it? Oh, and we finished our first book!!!! We’re on a roll! ;) )

*To find the reading plan I’m doing, click on the “Our Reading Plan for 2013” tab.

*On January 31st, I’ll have a giveaway (I’m doing this at the end of every month). It will have to do with the reading (so I hope you’re keeping up ;) ) This month’s prize is an ebook copy of my book CROSSING THE DEEP and a $5 Amazon Gift Card



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