Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. 1 Cor. 15:58


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Memory by Jan

Lately I’ve been doubting my sanity. Well, perhaps not my sanity, exactly, but my memory for sure.  I’ve missed two doctor appointments, can’t remember where I’ve put things and forgotten to write posts for this blog…yikes!

I finally had to back off from writing weekly posts and switched to monthly posts. (I have ten blogs of my own!) The first Thursday of the month is my guest post date. I picked the first Thursday because that would be easier to remember. I like to write my posts on Wednesday so that Kelly can post them Thursday morning.

So, here it is past noon on the first Thursday of the month when it suddenly dawns on me that TODAY IS MY DAY and I forgot!

I have a doctor’s appointment on the 10th (hope I don’t forget) and I’m seriously going to ask him to test me for early Alzheimer's - if there is such a test.

Of course, it could be that I’m just stretching myself too thin. Trying to do too many things at one time, which allows things to fall through the cracks…ya think? That seems to be an epidemic these days. Everyone I know is overworked, overscheduled, overloaded and about to collapse…or go crazy.

Perhaps my “one word” for the new year should be SIMPLIFY or DOWNSIZE. I could certainly pull back the reigns and stop trying to do it all. I could limit myself to just the things that are really important and allow just a couple of leisure activities in my life. Maybe then I would have time to clean my house the way it needs to be cleaned and cook homemade meals. Maybe then my mind would stop racing long enough to retain a few things.

Seriously – who needs 10 blogs?

Am I just talking to myself here, or are several of you in the same place? Do you need to pull back, too? Cut the excesses from your life and carve out a little time for what really matters?

I know I do and that’s my goal for this month – simplify for the sake of my sanity.

How about you?

By: Jan Christiansen from She Fancied Herself a Writer


  1. I do well to keep up with one in the world do you do ten?!?!? Pray about it and allow God to show you what to do....maybe which blogs you can let go of, at least for a while! Take it from somebody old enough to probably be your Mom, if not your Grandma!!! ;-)

  2. Thanks, Debbie. I doubt you're old enough to be my mom or grandma (I'm 60), but you're right about praying about it and allowing God to show me what to do. That's what I'm focusing on this month.

