Day 15: Genesis 43-46
Main People:
Joseph and his
Key Points:
*They sure
didn’t rush back for Simeon, did they?
*Even though
everyone knew Joseph and Benjamin were Jacob’s favorites, the other brothers
loved their Daddy very much. Judah
offered to take all the blame if they didn’t get Benjamin back home.
*Joseph had the
brother work to prove they had changed in nearly 20 years.
*They didn’t
know who he was because 1) they thought he was dead and 2)He spoke with an
Verses that Jumped Out at Me:
43:14: Finally, Jacob gave in and trusted God… well,
he gave in and accepted his fate no matter what it was.
44:9—Don’t be
hasty with your oaths (this comes up in Judges too)
knew it was God, not his brothers, who had put him where he needed to be to
become a ruler over Egypt .
He wasn’t bitter toward his brothers because he understood God was the one in
control. How many of us would have been so understanding?
46:4—A sad/sweet
verse: (God talking to Jacob) “I will go with you down to Egypt , and I
will bring you back again. You will die in Egypt , but Joseph will be with you
to close your eyes.” L
occupation did Joseph tell the brothers to tell Pharaoh when he asked? Why?
Tomorrow’s Reading: Genesis 47-50 (the
last day of Genesis J
*To find the reading plan I’m doing,
click on the “Our Reading
Plan for 2013” tab.
*On January 31st, I’ll have
a giveaway (I’m doing this at the end of every month). It will have to do with
the reading (so I hope you’re keeping up ;) ) This month’s prize is an ebook
copy of my book CROSSING THE DEEP and a $5 Amazon Gift Card
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