Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. 1 Cor. 15:58


Monday, March 5, 2012

day 259: Closets, Storms, and Nervous Nillies

Have not I commanded you? Be strong, vigorous, and very courageous. Be not afraid, neither be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”


We all get scared sometimes. Last Friday, we had some pretty big storms come through my neck of the woods. It did a lot of damage to counties and states around me.

School was let out at 12 noon which is a hassle... Very much needed... but still stressful. I, apparently, was a stressed out lady all day.

Got the girls, came home, and waited. Watched too much weather and by the time the storms came I *told* my husband that I wasn't nervous and there was nothing to be worried about.

Truth be told, I was freaking out a bit on the inside.

We all prayed before we ate (we ate supper like 'normal' 10 minutes before the storm was supposed to be at my house). I guess we were trying to act normal for the girls (6,5, and 19 months), but they knew (because they had been watching the tv too).

When my county got in a tornado warning, I put the girls in our bedroom closet and sat outside of it (with the door open) to watch the news. My husband decided it best for us to get inside the bathroom closet so we did.

All the while, my husband was praying (calmly... I have never seen him so calm in a storm... EVER!). I tend to hold things inside (a lot) so I was kinda snippy, but not hysterical-- and really nervous. 

We had the TVs on in the living room and bedroom and turned up so we could hear. The husband was watching the storm from the kitchen (yeap) and I was in the bathroom with my girls. Silly me, raised the blinds so I could see out (EEK!)---- that's when I got in the closet with the girls and hunkered down.

We didn't have a light-- just my cellphone (I really need to buy some flashlights). My girls are great little prayer warriors. Seriously, they will pray for anyone at anytime-- my middle daughter asked to pray at meals 3 times today. So, they sat in the closet and prayed a little prayer. Then we sang songs (note: "If Your Happy and You Know It" is NOT easy to sing when you are cramped in a closet with 3 other people... just saying...)

My husband finally came and told us it was all clear, so we got out. We didn't have any damage at my house. Thank God. I know there are lots of people who aren't as lucky and I'm praying for them.

Is there a point to this.... and how does it relate to the scripture?

The point is: Be not afraid, neither be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

*I* was afraid. I'll admit it. It's hard when you have little kids that you are responsible for during a storm like that (but I get nervous driving sometimes, truth be told.) But God was with us in that little closet. He is with us everywhere. I need to remember that. How about you?

You are never truly alone. I'm sitting in one of the bedrooms of my house right now as I type this. I'm the only one here awake. I'm sitting all alone-- but I know I'm not truly alone. God is with me. I feel like he's moving my fingers to say the words He wants (because I stutter when I try to say all of these things).

Where ever you go--- whether it be a church or a store, a closet or a stadium-- God is with you. Looking out for you.

Don't be afraid.... and don't be dismayed.

Much Love,


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