John 11:38
Jesus was still angry as he arrived at the tomb, a cave with a stone rolled across its entrance.
Ok, if you don't know where this story is coming from, it's the story of Lazarus. Jesus had gotten word that his friend, Lazarus, was very sick. He loved him very much, but didn't rush to heal him. Once he got there, Lazarus had died, and his sisters were in anguish. Lazarus' sister, Mary, was crying, saying how she knew her brother wouldn't have died if Jesus was there sooner.
Her words and her weeping (as well as others) filled his heart with deep anger.
He was still angry when they got to the tomb.
We know the rest of the story.
The stone was rolled away. Jesus commanded, "Lazarus, come forth." and he did.
You might be asking what in the world the post today is about-- well, it's about anger. Apparently, anger is one of my most favorite topics... or maybe God just thinks I need to learn a thing or 2 about it.
Anywho, from today's verse, we can learn a few things about how to deal with anger.
1. Yes, Jesus was angry, but he didn't let his anger get the best of him. Jesus didn't get his feelings hurt and stop off. He didn't say, "You don't believe in me? Fine. I'll take my powers and go home!" No, Jesus-- angry though he was-- stayed to help his friends.
2. Jesus didn't yell or shout. He could have gotten so angry that he yelled at the mourning friends. Sometimes when people doubt you, you tend to get offensive. Even though, Jesus was angry, he didn't let his words suffer.
3. Jesus didn't dwell on the anger. He still had the anger in him when they got to the tomb, but after Lazarus rose, Jesus didn't say, "See! I told you so!!" He was happy and content that his friend was alive.
I don't know about you, but I find it comforting that Jesus got angry. It is a very human emotion. We can't let it get the best of us, but we can focus on what Jesus did when he was angry in this example and try to live like he showed us to live. To handle anger like he did.
When we get mad, give it to Jesus-- he understands. Its not the anger that is wrong-- it is how we react to the anger that can lead to trouble.
God Bless You :)
Oh how I want to be like Jesus and express anger only in a way that honors Him.