Eccelesiastes 9:9
Live happily with the woman you love through all the meaningless days of life that God has given you under the sun. The wife God gives you is your reward for all your earthly toll.
I'm going to admit that sometimes-- I don't feel like a reward lol. I'm also sure that *sometimes* maybe my husband feels the same way (not that he would say it).
Even in Solomon's darkest last days-- when he was old and down and depressed looking back on life-- still one of the things he knew was good was the wife God gives you.
I like the thought of being the wife God gave my husband. I know it was true because I liked him for a year before he even looked at me 'that way'. And it was at a church event where I had sworn I was never going back there again because I felt kinda stupid going there 'for' him when he didn't even think of me 'like that' (yes, I'm telling you more than you need to know lol).
Then he said it was like a brick hit him in the head and *insert angel music* he looked over to me-- and the rest is history. We dated 3 weeks-- got married 2 months later... Yeap. that was 8 years ago and I'm NOT saying that's always been easy. It's not. But we know that, in the end for better or for worse, we were meant to be together. We are the people God had in mind for each other.
We need to live happily with our husband (or wife). Sometimes it's definitely not easy (and sometimes marriages end. That's life). But while we can, we need to find some way, some thing, some idea to make a happy marriage.
We, wifes, need to see ourselves as a reward to our husband. We need to act like a reward-- not a burden. A trophy wife (in a good way lol).
I told my husband that I was his reward-- his trophy and he grinned. He said I was--- bless him.
Have a great day! Tell someone about God and find something to be excited about. It's the only Wed. Oct 12, 2011 we will ever have :) Lets make it a good one.
God bless you,
I'm not sure my husband sees me as a reward either... actually maybe not in his initial response, but after thinking about it he probably would. I try to remember that these days with young children are the hardest on a marriage. I also like the idea that God chose us for each other and I like thinking about the evidence that supports that in our lives. Despite the struggles I know that we are indeed a reward to one another. Great post, thank you!
ReplyDeleteThanks Heidi. The husband and I were in a bit of a tiff when i opened the bible and read to prepare for today's 365 lol. I had to laugh. He did too. We have young children too (6, 4, 15 months) and YES it is hard sometimes. *I* don't make enough couple time.
ReplyDeleteHi Kelly - I love this post. Maybe if we viewed ourselves differently so would they. If we valued ourselves, we'd act like it and then their estimation of us would also go up. Convoluted I know - great post though.
ReplyDeleteAnd, Kelly, thank you very much for linking up with me. I look forward to seeing you there next week as I find your posts encouraging and normally leave with a bit of a grin on my face. You're doing a great job.
God bless
I can't wait to tell my RB that I'm his reward. I always think he's mine.