Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. 1 Cor. 15:58


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day 60: Elmer

Romans 8:38
And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love.  Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today or our worries about tomorrow-- not even the powers of hell can separate us from God's love


We humans think we are pretty power beings. 

We think we can figure things out... decide the right path.... understand mysteries of the universe.....

.... separate ourselves from God.

I've sure we've all seen people (and maybe it has been you) who have said that they have done to many bad things for God to use them... or even be WITH them.  They think they have the power to keep God away from them.

They don't realize that God is everywhere.  God sees everything.  And God doesn't leave a person... even if he/she thinks it.

According to this verse, nothing can keep you from God.  A demon can't steal God from you.  Worries can't take God away.  Dying (if you are saved) will not take you away from Him.

Yet, we think we are much more powerful than He is.  We think we have the power to kick Him out of our lives.....

Well, that is just cockiness on our part.  That's when we think we are too big for our britches. 

God is with us, even when we don't want to acknowledge Him.

He's always trying to get us back to Him...

And then you have those 'nagging thoughts' of "Oh, you've done it now. He doesn't want you now.  He's definitely left you for good."  Um... I'm not thinking its God putting those thoughts there. 

Everywhere we go, He goes. He's stuck to us like Elmer's glue :) 

God Bless You :)



  1. Love the mental picture of being stuck on God. Creative truth.

  2. I thank the Lord that none of my petty issues keep Him from me. Great post Kelly and one of my favourite scriptures.
    God bless

  3. And I thank Him that He sticks like glue, especially when I behave like a postit!

  4. So thankful God is ever-present in my life and that He will NEVER leave me or forsake me. How reassuring! Thanks for the reminder-

  5. Pamela, I'm glad it touched you :) I love thinking about it that way :)

    Tracy, that is a great scripture. I have lots of petty issues that i'd probaby run from if I were God... glad I'm not lol

    Shanda, I LOVE that! I'm very much a postit. Or actually more like this tape I was trying to use today at school. I have never seen tape that didn't even stick.... in anyway, shape or form. it was a bit disheartening lol. God is awesome :)

    Stacy, you are very welcome. I need the reminder a lot too :)

  6. He is with us, even when we don't acknowledge Him. Great point! I'm so thankful that nothing can separate me from God. He is faithful, forever!
