Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. 1 Cor. 15:58


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day 45: Your Motives

James 4:3
And even when you ask,  you don't get it because your motives are all wrong-- you want what gives you pleasure.


A few days ago, we talked about James 4:2: We don't have because we don't ask.

This is the next verse after that.

What are your motives for your prayers?

If you pray for money, is it to buy yourself a new car-- or to bless the poor?

If you pray for spiritual gifts, is it to honor God or to gain status in church?

If we pray for success, is it because we truly want to help others or because we want to make a name for ourselves?

As overwhelming as it is, God knows our heart-- and our true motives.

Now-- don't let the Devil sneak in and plant 'You are only doing this for recognition" in your heart because he will plant doubt and you will want to give up.

Pray for gifts you can use and use them to help others.

Write down what you want to do and keep it so when the Devil gets after you, you can go back and read your real motives.

Search your heart and be honest. It will do no good to lie.  Then go over your thoughts.  Which reasons do you need to pray about?  Which reasons seem "Godly" and which seem "Worldly"?

And--no matter what--- don't give up!  Even if some of your motives can seem worldly, you can pray about it and ask for a change in heart.  We aren't prefect.

Once you focus on the spiritual reasons, you will find a renewed joy in it.

God Bless You!



  1. Kelly, I love how you end this - even if our motives can seem worldly, we can pray and ask God for a change of heart. It's ok to be honest with God, He already knows anyway. Many blessings!

  2. Kelly, love this - pray to be a blessing instead of being blessed. Spoke right to my heart - thank you. :)

  3. Hi Kelly - I love this post. Its about perspective. I have tried lately to question why I want to do something - because at the end of the day, God knows my motives so I can't fool Him. I would rather acknowledge my motives and then make a decision. Thanks for the reminder
    God bless
