Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. 1 Cor. 15:58


Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A New Year. A New Blog. A New Outlook

Hi. Remember me? I haven't blogged since... oh August. I've been *busy*. That's what happens when you have four bestselling novels, more to write, editing, working basically two jobs, with three kids... and a husband...

And it was also an excuse. 

I started this blog in 2010 (I think lol). The goal was to write 1 devotional every day for a year (hence the 'Encourage 365') And I did it. I wrote every day for a year... and I was so proud.

I'm not sure if it was right or wrong to be proud. I mean, it was good that I fulfilled my commitment, but was I really writing what God wanted or was I just trying to fill spaces until the year was up so I could say 'I did it!'

I gained followers. Over 100 in fact. I was over the moon. And I was grateful for it.

encourage365I also started the Devotional blog directory. It grew and I was so grateful for it.

And I started to get regular contributors... and I was grateful for it.

We were growing. And I was grateful. And proud.

And then I got 'busy'. And I got, honestly, burned out.

Last December, I announced that I was going to blog every day again. We were going to read the bible in a year, I said. It was going to be Epic, I said. We were going to do it together, I said.

I stopped after January.

Then, this December I was shopping right before Christmas (like RIGHT before.. on the 23rd) and a woman stopped me. She'd almost completed the 1 year bible plan I started in January. She was so excited! I felt like a huge loser.

BUT, this isn't about the past. It's not about the 365 days of blogging I did. It's not about the directory. It's not about my books. It's about me. That might be selfish lol, but I got to thinking and I was missing something. I do a lot... but I'd given up something I really liked in the process.

I don't know all the answer... Heck, I don't know any of them to be honest. I have lots of questions though. On facebook, there is a lady called 'The World's Worst Missionary' (or something like that). From her, I realized, I don't have to have all the answers. I don't have to know 'everything' to blog. I don't have to know all the biblical answers to write about it.

I just have to do it. Because I guarantee most of you don't have all the answers either.

SO, where does that leave us. My goal for 2014 is to blog once a week (Encourage 52 would be more apt I guess lol). I want to blog over things that are happening in my life. Maybe things I don't understand. Maybe things we can work out together. I'm excited about this. I'm not worrying about replies (though comment if you want :) ). I'm not worrying about 'reach' or people who have seen my post... or anything like that. I'm just blogging-- and hoping-- and praying it helps someone (maybe even me).

My first devotional for 2014 will be up tomorrow. It' about anxiety. I'm so excited to write one again. Like I said, it's been a while.

That said, I'm deleting the Devotional blog directory. I'm so thankful for everyone who has signed up over the years. Truly, from the bottom of my heart. But I can't maintain it any more, and it's not what this blog is about any more. I hope you all understand <3 If you 'Unfollow', I understand. I love you all very much and appreciate what you've done. I also love your blogs :) I still read them (mainly if I see the link on facebook).

So, there is it. A big confession. A big bombshell. And a big goal for 2014. Here's to 52 weeks of devotionals <3


1 comment:

  1. Hi Kelly, I've also done some blog-soul searching and trimmed a lot of stuff down. I am looking forward to this more personal side of you. Its where we learn from one another. God bless
    PS: I deleted Encourage 24/7 for similar reasons so you can delete your button re Encourage 24/7 but I continued the blog list over at My Daily Walk with a new button.
    God bless in the new year and I'm excited for all your new posts (weekly or more, lol)
