Hi. Remember me? I haven't blogged since... oh August. I've been *busy*. That's what happens when you have four bestselling novels, more to write, editing, working basically two jobs, with three kids... and a husband...
And it was also an excuse.
I started this blog in 2010 (I think lol). The goal was to write 1 devotional every day for a year (hence the 'Encourage 365') And I did it. I wrote every day for a year... and I was so proud.
I'm not sure if it was right or wrong to be proud. I mean, it was good that I fulfilled my commitment, but was I really writing what God wanted or was I just trying to fill spaces until the year was up so I could say 'I did it!'
I gained followers. Over 100 in fact. I was over the moon. And I was grateful for it.
I also started the Devotional blog directory. It grew and I was so grateful for it.
And I started to get regular contributors... and I was grateful for it.
We were growing. And I was grateful. And proud.
And then I got 'busy'. And I got, honestly, burned out.
Last December, I announced that I was going to blog every day again. We were going to read the bible in a year, I said. It was going to be Epic, I said. We were going to do it together, I said.
I stopped after January.
Then, this December I was shopping right before Christmas (like RIGHT before.. on the 23rd) and a woman stopped me. She'd almost completed the 1 year bible plan I started in January. She was so excited! I felt like a huge loser.
BUT, this isn't about the past. It's not about the 365 days of blogging I did. It's not about the directory. It's not about my books. It's about me. That might be selfish lol, but I got to thinking and I was missing something. I do a lot... but I'd given up something I really liked in the process.
I don't know all the answer... Heck, I don't know any of them to be honest. I have lots of questions though. On facebook, there is a lady called 'The World's Worst Missionary' (or something like that). From her, I realized, I don't have to have all the answers. I don't have to know 'everything' to blog. I don't have to know all the biblical answers to write about it.
I just have to do it. Because I guarantee most of you don't have all the answers either.
SO, where does that leave us. My goal for 2014 is to blog once a week (Encourage 52 would be more apt I guess lol). I want to blog over things that are happening in my life. Maybe things I don't understand. Maybe things we can work out together. I'm excited about this. I'm not worrying about replies (though comment if you want :) ). I'm not worrying about 'reach' or people who have seen my post... or anything like that. I'm just blogging-- and hoping-- and praying it helps someone (maybe even me).
My first devotional for 2014 will be up tomorrow. It' about anxiety. I'm so excited to write one again. Like I said, it's been a while.
That said, I'm deleting the Devotional blog directory. I'm so thankful for everyone who has signed up over the years. Truly, from the bottom of my heart. But I can't maintain it any more, and it's not what this blog is about any more. I hope you all understand <3 If you 'Unfollow', I understand. I love you all very much and appreciate what you've done. I also love your blogs :) I still read them (mainly if I see the link on facebook).
So, there is it. A big confession. A big bombshell. And a big goal for 2014. Here's to 52 weeks of devotionals <3
And it was also an excuse.
I started this blog in 2010 (I think lol). The goal was to write 1 devotional every day for a year (hence the 'Encourage 365') And I did it. I wrote every day for a year... and I was so proud.
I'm not sure if it was right or wrong to be proud. I mean, it was good that I fulfilled my commitment, but was I really writing what God wanted or was I just trying to fill spaces until the year was up so I could say 'I did it!'
I gained followers. Over 100 in fact. I was over the moon. And I was grateful for it.
And I started to get regular contributors... and I was grateful for it.
We were growing. And I was grateful. And proud.
And then I got 'busy'. And I got, honestly, burned out.
Last December, I announced that I was going to blog every day again. We were going to read the bible in a year, I said. It was going to be Epic, I said. We were going to do it together, I said.
I stopped after January.
Then, this December I was shopping right before Christmas (like RIGHT before.. on the 23rd) and a woman stopped me. She'd almost completed the 1 year bible plan I started in January. She was so excited! I felt like a huge loser.
BUT, this isn't about the past. It's not about the 365 days of blogging I did. It's not about the directory. It's not about my books. It's about me. That might be selfish lol, but I got to thinking and I was missing something. I do a lot... but I'd given up something I really liked in the process.
I don't know all the answer... Heck, I don't know any of them to be honest. I have lots of questions though. On facebook, there is a lady called 'The World's Worst Missionary' (or something like that). From her, I realized, I don't have to have all the answers. I don't have to know 'everything' to blog. I don't have to know all the biblical answers to write about it.
I just have to do it. Because I guarantee most of you don't have all the answers either.
SO, where does that leave us. My goal for 2014 is to blog once a week (Encourage 52 would be more apt I guess lol). I want to blog over things that are happening in my life. Maybe things I don't understand. Maybe things we can work out together. I'm excited about this. I'm not worrying about replies (though comment if you want :) ). I'm not worrying about 'reach' or people who have seen my post... or anything like that. I'm just blogging-- and hoping-- and praying it helps someone (maybe even me).
My first devotional for 2014 will be up tomorrow. It' about anxiety. I'm so excited to write one again. Like I said, it's been a while.
That said, I'm deleting the Devotional blog directory. I'm so thankful for everyone who has signed up over the years. Truly, from the bottom of my heart. But I can't maintain it any more, and it's not what this blog is about any more. I hope you all understand <3 If you 'Unfollow', I understand. I love you all very much and appreciate what you've done. I also love your blogs :) I still read them (mainly if I see the link on facebook).
So, there is it. A big confession. A big bombshell. And a big goal for 2014. Here's to 52 weeks of devotionals <3