While driving into work this morning a song played over the radio caught my attention. Its lyrics captured perfectly what I’ve been feeling for the last couple of days.
Then this song…You’re Already There played. It talks about us trying to figure out the future and how it’s all going to work out. Then reassures us that God sees the big picture and when it comes to our future, He’s already there. He sees the grand design and is orchestrating your steps. To Him our future is history because He’s already there, at the end of our lives, waiting to welcome us with open arms. And maybe, just maybe we’ll get a chance to look back over our lives and see that His hand was guiding our footsteps all the time.
So, what does it say about us when we wonder, worry or fret over our future? Over our next step?
To me it’s clear…it means I am not trusting God to care for me, to lead me, to provide whatever I need. It means that if I don’t feel in control of things, I’m off kilter, but the opposite should be true. When I’m controlling things, the potential for disaster is looming just ahead and when I’m trusting God, my future is secure.
Sure that means that God may allow some things to come into my life that are difficult or even painful, but never without purpose. His intention is to mold and shape us into the image of Jesus Christ, which means for me, at least, He has a monumental job ahead of Him. (I’m sure He can handle it, though.)
My job…if I have one, is to cooperate with Him in the changes He wants to make and to trust Him when I don’t clearly see my way ahead.
How about you? Do you have a hard time relaxing and trusting God to lead you into the future? How much planning do you think He expect from us?
Want to listen to the song? Here’s a link… He’s Already There
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