Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. 1 Cor. 15:58


Monday, June 11, 2012

365th Post Giveaway!!! (Click for Details)

The giveaways keep increasing for the 'Yay! 365th consecutive blog post' Giveaway!

If you read today's 365 post, I wrote about the 3 prizes to be given away (I've deleted that part now  and decided to make this this OFFICIAL post)... Now, we have another prize.

Laura from Beholding Glory has graciously offered to donate a copy of her Bible Study Beholding Him, Becoming Missional (which can be found HERE on


I'm a bit jealous of the winner of this because it's a bible study I've been wanting to do for a while! (you lucky person).  

So... here is the official list of prizes to be given away, and all the details!


Beholding Him Becoming Missional. A bible study sweetly donated from Laura Krokos (the author). 


This SUPER cute hat from 'Me Third' a terrific and affordable Christian clothing store (follow their facebook page HERE ). Melissa, who runs the store, is such a sweet lady. I'm so excited to be able to give one of these hats away (actually, I'd love to have one myself!)

issue preview
A free copy of the Summer issue of Woman to Woman Magazine. This magazine is FILLED with great articles! I have my copy and have already read every word (There is even a fiction article in there by me!) You can find out more on Woman to Woman Magazine HERE or visit the Woman to Woman blog at


Ruth: Faith, Loyalty, Love, Redemption (Volume 1)
A free copy of my bible study in paperback (IT's NOW AVAILABLE AT AMAZON!!! :) )

So, those are the giveaways... how do you enter to win?

I ask that you do 1 of 4 things (each thing will put your name in the drawing one time. So if you want to do all four, it will give you four chances to win!):

1. 'Follow this blog' (If you are already a follower, let me know in the comments... that gives you 2 chances to win right there :) )

2. 'Leave a comment in the comments section of this post'

3. 'Like the facebook page for my newest blog: Faith Filled Fiction'

4. 'Follow Faith Filled Fiction blog: found HERE

When you have done these, please leave a comment in this post (that gives you more chances to win and me a way to count all the entries.)

*I'm going to give away each prize separately. One winner will get the hat. One will get the magazine, one will get the Beholding Him Bible Study, and one will get the Ruth bible study.



  1. Hello Kelly I follow this site and I love that you are doing a giveaway celebration for your blog. I want to wish you many more years of writing. Blessings :)

  2. Thanks :) I hope so too. It's been an interesting year :)
