Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. 1 Cor. 15:58


Saturday, January 21, 2012

day 215: A Twice Told Tale

Be jealous of those who are happy,
and be joyous when your enemies weep.


Sometimes (there's that word again) people we don't really like that well have good things happen to them, and we can't understand why.

*Doesn't God know that *I* am a better person than they are?

*Doesn't God care that so-in-so cusses like a sailor?

*Why can't God see how awesome I am and how much I'm doing for Him?

*Why do people who seem the least deserving get everything they want and more, and I have to struggle?

There is a word for that: Jealousy.  And I'm *sure* that's ok....

There are also times when people we don't really like cry. Maybe they lose their job. Maybe they get in trouble at work. Maybe they start having marital trouble (their own fault I'm sure, since they are all snarky and all), and we find joy in it. Mainly because they've brought it on themselves.... you know, because we don't like them.  We might do it by ourselves when no one is around-- but secretely, we *might* smile when trouble finds people we just don't like.

Oh wait............

What's that?

I wrote the verse wrong?!?!?!


*off to check......*

Um..... I'm so sorry, I feel so bad... truly... I totally messed up!
*Hangs head in shame....*

This is what the verse *SHOULD* say...

Romans 12:15 (at least I got that right)
Be HAPPY with those who are happy,
and weep with those who weep.

Well!  That just  changes the meaning, doesn't it?

So... we are supposed to be happy when someone (even one we don't like) is happy (Not Jealous)?

And we are supposed to weep when someone we know cries (even if they got what 'they deserve')?

Hmmmmm..... what a totally non-human way to react.

Good thing we have God with us to show us how to defeat jealousy and apathy for *those who don't deserve it*.

If you are struggling with this, pray about it. God can help you. When you can't, He can. Don't let jealousy or apathy steal YOUR joy!

God Bless You

1 comment:

  1. Kelly, I love this post. I have definitely been guilty of the first interpretation of the Word with being jealous and happy towards enemies or people I don't like etc... It is awesome that we have God's Word to show us what we are to do in our walk with Christ. Left up to our human nature we would fail over and over again. God bless.
