Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. 1 Cor. 15:58


Saturday, December 17, 2011

day 181: When you are just tired...

Hebrews 12:12-13
12 So take a new grip with your tired hands and strengthen your weak knees. 13 Mark out a straight path for your feet so that those who are weak and lame will not fall but become strong.


This isn't exactly the verse I was looking for this morning, but it is a good one none-the-less.  So.... how goes your Christmas shopping/church programs/charity work/etc. so far this year?

I don't mind telling you, I'm tired.  I took all 3 of my girls (6, 4, and 17 mo) Christmas shopping yesterday and while it was very very fun... I'm sore this morning (mainly because all of the buggies were gone at K-mart and I had to lug and/or chase the baby. 

I woke up this morning and my first thought (besides, "Can't the kids sleep a LITTLE longer???") was "I have so much to do today!"  And I do... I have to go to Wal-mart, play practice, clean this house I've been putting off (not that it will look like it later), go sign for a truck we unexpectedly bought, play practice, blogging etc.  I'm tired.

And I don't dare think I'm the most tired person right now because I for certain that isn't the case.  Some of you are dealing with sick family members, money worries, family drama, depression, and just normal/typical Christmas stress.  Let's face it.. it might be the most wonderful time of the year... but it is also the most stressful. 

And it shouldn't be that way.

We, as a people, have made this time so stressful.  While at K-mart, I passed a lady on the cellphone (she had a buggy so *I* t hought she should be grateful lol).  She was complaining to the person on the other side about getting all of this 'c*ap' done so she'd be done with Christmas.... Seriously!?  And to be honest, I'm the same way. Not that I'm looking forward to Christmas being over. (My tree isn't even up yet).  I LOVE Christmas. I love the plays, the stories, watching my kids open their presents, the lights... but the part leading up to it (the crowds, the shopping, the lists, the rude people) THAT gets old.

Is there a point to this post?  Well, when we are tired, who gives us strength?  Who lets us know that its not HIM that has filled our plates full to the brim? We have made Christmas into what it is... when all God wanted was it to be Jesus' birthday.  All of the things I 'have' to do... yeah, I HAVE to do them.  But they aren't the most important thing (even the bills I should be writing now before the mail comes). 

Let's not forget WHY we are running around like a chicken with our heads cut off... the REASON we have Christmas at all.  While we are standing in line at the next store, lets take that time to pray (for ourselves and those rude people around us ;) ).  Sometimes God slows us down, so we can really take time to focus on Him.

Our Christmas song today is "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch"... So we can remember not to be Grinch-like this Christmas season. :)

God Bless You

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