Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. 1 Cor. 15:58


Saturday, November 26, 2011

day 160: Good People

Isaiah 57:1-2
Good people pass away;
the godly often die before their time.
But no one seems to care or wonder why.
No one seems to understand
that God is protecting them from the evil to come.
For those who follow godly paths
will rest in peace when they die.


Soooo.... after all of the 'thankfullness' over the past week, I present to you 'this' verse.

Last night, I was praying for a scripture that someone needed today and this one came up. I put a book mark in it and tried to forget about it because 1. it's depressing and 2. because I don't like talking about death.

This morning, I sat down to write today's 365 and I prayed for God to give me the verse that was needed today.  This one popped up in my head again (I had forgotten about it.).  I had it marked in the other bible (not the one I have open next to me).  So I said, "Sorry, I can't find it."  Then the verse popped into my head (and I never remember verses).  SO, I smiled and gave in.  I can say this one is all from God today. Ole Kelly fought it (silly Kelly).

We've talked before about how good people die and we can't understand it.  Babies, teens, new moms/dads, etc.  For some reason, when a younger person dies it hits people harder. Not that older people are dispensable (far from it), but you can always say "They had a long life." and that seems to make it ok.

If someone young dies, you always think of the 'what ifs'.  What would they be doing 'now'?  What would they look like?  How many kids would they have?

That is a normal way to think.  *We* don't understand how things can happen like that.  In our minds, it doesn't seem fair.

However, God is different.  To Him, they aren't dying... they are coming home.  Some people come home sooner... and some people come home later. 

That is why we as adults need to make sure that we are right with God at all times.  Don't wait until bedtime because bedtime isn't promised. 

I have 3 kids ages 6 and under.  I can't imagine anything happening to them.  If it did, I'm hoping that this verse would fill me with peace (yeah, the thought of it makes be get all teary).

I don't know who this is for today, but I hope it has blessed your heart.  No human words can ever make the hurt go away or the sorrow fade.  But these are God's words.  Through them, you can have the power to heal.

God Bless You



  1. Hi Kelly - great post and so good that you were obedient to God's nudging.
    God bless

  2. I am thankful I haven't had to lean on this verse but love that it's there if I ever need it.

  3. It is good to write about this passage. Yesterday I looked at my son (7) and thought: you are so beautiful - I love you so much, but you are at the same time 'as a flower in the wind' Please God, may he grow and be a good man. I remember that during my sons baptism (we are reformed) the sermon talks about the son of the godless king Jeroboam. The little prince dead when he was very young. The bible says: 'There was something goods in the boy, for the Lord.'

    We have a great role/job as mothers. Prepare our children for life in time and in eternity

  4. They aren't dying, they are coming home. I love that truth, Kelly! And while I don't want to think of anyone dying prematurely, I know that I can take comfort in God's presence being with me always.
