Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. 1 Cor. 15:58


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

day 164:Gloria...

Luke 2:3-4

13 Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,
14 “Glory to God in the highest heaven,
and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”

I know that everyone from Walmart to Jim Bobs Mercentile and Bait Shop are all overflowing with Christmas (or 'Holiday') titings and joy (ie... buy, buy, buy).  I also know that it's not even December yet (today is the last day of November).

But I was singing a Christmas song in the car today.  It's one of my favorites. While praying about today's 365, this song wouldn't leave my head so I decided to post it.

Can you imagine how scary it must have been for those shepherds?  They were out in a field... minding their own business and suddenly BAM!  You see an angel.  I would probably first off think I was dead.  Secondly, I'd think, "OH NO! What have I done!?"

Another thing to think of is usually when something big and major happens, it's not the common/simple man who hears it first.  Usually it is the 'important people'.  The media, the millionaires...  the gossip magazines. 

But in this case, the biggest story ever.. the birth of THE guy that would save the entire world.... was first told to lowly shepherds just doing their job.  They weren't "special".  They didn't hold a "title", but they were the people God chose to spread his good news too.

Think about it.... When you have a baby, do you go and tell your enemy first?  Do you go tell someone you care nothing about it before anyone else?  No, you tell the people most imporant to you.

God was like that.  His son had been born human, and he wanted to tell people who meant a lot to him (we all mean a lot to him, but you get the point). He didn't choose to tell a king first... he told shepherds who no one even knew.

If you ever think God doesn't notice you... or you aren't one of  "them", remember the shepherds who were just doing their jobs when God used them.  He can/will do the same for you :)

God Bless You :)


Linked with: Women Living Well Wednesday,  and

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

day 163: Psalm 118

Psalm 118: 24

This is the day that the Lord has made.
We will rejoice and be glad in it.


Sometimes, well most of the time, people think of this verse when they are happy.  When the sun is shining and everything is going their way.

However, there is a flip side to it. 

This (no matter what: spilled coffee, rude customer, unruly kid, fight with the spouse, obnoxious coworker, unwelcomed diagnosis....) is the day that the Lord has made.

If God only  made good days, we wouldn't appreciate them.  We would probably complain about being bored. 

I read in a book where its ok to be honest with God about how you feel.  He knows it anyway, so you might as well not hide it.  He's a good listener.  Let Him know about your problems, maybe it will make you feel better to get it out.

Let God know what your troubles are.  God can give you a reason to be joyful even if you can't think of one.

God Bless You,


Monday, November 28, 2011

day 162: That little word "Everything"

Psalm 37:5
Commit everything you do to the Lord.
Trust Him, and He will help you.


We've talked about this before, but this verse jumped out at me tonight. 

It's is so easy to say that you commit everything to God..... but it is a totally different thing to actually do it.

We all have things in our life that are harder for us to commit to God. It could be a bad habit, a personal goal, or it could even be a ministry (yup).  Everyone starts off a ministry with good intentions, but then we sometimes get our own ideas mixed in instead of following what God wants.  That is when we fight Him... and that is when we struggle.

Sometimes, my husband prays for God to 'use our family'.  That always makes me worry a bit because in my human head I think, "Oh Lord, please don't make us do something 'too' out there".  The preacher told us today to Trust God because it's going to be His way anyway.  And that's true. 

Everything we do needs to be commited to God... that keeps you out of a LOT of trouble!  I'm not going to lie to you and tell you that I'm perfect.  Last night, I turned on a movie on TMC.  I had wanted to see it for a while but... can't say I knew there was 'that' much nudity in it (GLORY!).  I finally turned it off, and felt bad for watching it as long as I had. During those minutes, I wasn't committing everything I did to God... because I really don't think God wanted to watch that.  I  had to tell God I was sorry. (Tonight, I'm watching football by the way lol). 

If we have a desire or a want or something we feel strongly led to do, if we trust in God, he will help us.  And even if He tells us no, it's because He has something better in store for us.

God Bless You,


Sunday, November 27, 2011

day 161: Infinite Ideas

Daniel 9:4
..... O Lord, you are a great and awesome God! You always fulfill your covenant and keep your promises of unfailing love to those who love you and obey your commandments.


Last night, the hubs and I went Christmas shopping for our three girls.  We were looking around, comparing things to their list, and picked out things that went beyond what they had asked for (well, not *that* far beyond..... it was the same things, but a bit of an upgrade from what they wanted.)

I was thinking last night in the car how God is.  He tells us no sometimes when we ask for things, like we tell our kids. Sometimes we tell them no because what they want is too dangerous.  Sometimes it is because it costs too much money (ok, not a problem for God).  And sometimes we tell them no because we know that we have something more special in store for them.  Something they could never even imagine.

God is like that for us.  If he told us yes to everything we wanted, we would miss everything special He had for us.  And truthfully, He's... you know... God. His ideas are much more advanced and awesome than ours.  I'd much rather go with God's infinite ideas than my human ones :)

The Lord is a great and awesome God! He will bless you in ways you have never imagined... and even some ways you won't ever see. 

God Bless You and Have a Great Sunday :)


Saturday, November 26, 2011

day 160: Good People

Isaiah 57:1-2
Good people pass away;
the godly often die before their time.
But no one seems to care or wonder why.
No one seems to understand
that God is protecting them from the evil to come.
For those who follow godly paths
will rest in peace when they die.


Soooo.... after all of the 'thankfullness' over the past week, I present to you 'this' verse.

Last night, I was praying for a scripture that someone needed today and this one came up. I put a book mark in it and tried to forget about it because 1. it's depressing and 2. because I don't like talking about death.

This morning, I sat down to write today's 365 and I prayed for God to give me the verse that was needed today.  This one popped up in my head again (I had forgotten about it.).  I had it marked in the other bible (not the one I have open next to me).  So I said, "Sorry, I can't find it."  Then the verse popped into my head (and I never remember verses).  SO, I smiled and gave in.  I can say this one is all from God today. Ole Kelly fought it (silly Kelly).

We've talked before about how good people die and we can't understand it.  Babies, teens, new moms/dads, etc.  For some reason, when a younger person dies it hits people harder. Not that older people are dispensable (far from it), but you can always say "They had a long life." and that seems to make it ok.

If someone young dies, you always think of the 'what ifs'.  What would they be doing 'now'?  What would they look like?  How many kids would they have?

That is a normal way to think.  *We* don't understand how things can happen like that.  In our minds, it doesn't seem fair.

However, God is different.  To Him, they aren't dying... they are coming home.  Some people come home sooner... and some people come home later. 

That is why we as adults need to make sure that we are right with God at all times.  Don't wait until bedtime because bedtime isn't promised. 

I have 3 kids ages 6 and under.  I can't imagine anything happening to them.  If it did, I'm hoping that this verse would fill me with peace (yeah, the thought of it makes be get all teary).

I don't know who this is for today, but I hope it has blessed your heart.  No human words can ever make the hurt go away or the sorrow fade.  But these are God's words.  Through them, you can have the power to heal.

God Bless You


Friday, November 25, 2011

day 159: Greed and Giving

Proverbs 21:26
Some people are always greedy for more, but the godly love to give!



I'm guessing by the time this is posted, most of the avid black Friday shoppers will have already been gone shopping through the night. I was out last night myself.  I want to remind everyone not to let greed control you today and don't let it overshadow your godliness.

It is easy to get caught up in the 'fight' for that last pillow for $4.88, but remember that you don't need to lose yourself of your Christian character over a 'good deal'.

God bless you and have a safe day :)


Thursday, November 24, 2011

day 158: Hope when you don't feel like it

Zechariah 9:12
Come back to the place of safety,
all you prisioners who still have hope!
I promise you this very day
that I will repay two blessings for each of our troubles.

Romans 12:12
Rejoice in our confident hope.  Be patient in trouble and always keep on praying.


Thanksgiving is a wonderful time when families come together, eat, laugh, share and make memories.  If your able to spend time with your family, it is a blessing of a holiday.

However, not everyone in the world have family to celebrate with.  Either their family is too far away or serving in the war, or they just don't have any family left.

Days like today are so hard for those who can't be with their family.  Or those that can't afford that 'traditional' meal.

If that is you, or if you know someone who is, these verses are great sources in hope. 

It is ok to be sad today. It is ok to be upset, but don't let those feelings keep you from being thankful for what you do have.

God Bless You... and Happy Thanksgiving :)


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

day 157: Being Thankful

Psalm 95

New International Version (NIV)

Psalm 95

1 Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD;
let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.
2 Let us come before him with thanksgiving
and extol him with music and song.
3 For the LORD is the great God,
the great King above all gods.
4 In his hand are the depths of the earth,
and the mountain peaks belong to him.
5 The sea is his, for he made it,
and his hands formed the dry land.

6 Come, let us bow down in worship,
let us kneel before the LORD our Maker;
7 for he is our God
and we are the people of his pasture,
the flock under his care.

Today, if only you would hear his voice,
8 “Do not harden your hearts as you did at Meribah,[a]
as you did that day at Massah[b] in the wilderness,
9 where your ancestors tested me;
they tried me, though they had seen what I did.
10 For forty years I was angry with that generation;
I said, ‘They are a people whose hearts go astray,
and they have not known my ways.’
11 So I declared on oath in my anger,
‘They shall never enter my rest.’”

Tomorrow, being Thanksgiving here in the States, we need to take time to reflect on all of the things we have to be thankful for.

Right this second, I have a crying 16 month old at my feet.  I am so thankful for her because there was a time when I thought I had lost her.

I have a 4 year old playing with her sister.  I am so thankful for both of those girls.  They have given me gray hairs, but also love, joy, and happiness.

My husband is at work. I am thankful for that for a few reasons.  1. He's making money.  2. He's feeling better.  3. It's giving me time to clean for tomorrow.

I am thankful that I have a job that I can be off the rest of the week with my girls.

I am thankful for so much... text messaging, my family, my church family, my internet friends, health etc. 

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?

God Bless You :)


Linking up with: Thankful Tuesday

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

day 156: Lift Up Your Face

I love the band Third Day.  I wanted to do a musical post today and this song popped in my head.  It has a great beat, an awesome message, and can get your day started off right.

"Lift Up Your Face" by Third Day

Exodus 15:2
“The LORD is my strength and my defense ; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him.

Monday, November 21, 2011

day 155: James

James 2:19-20
You say you have faith, for you believe that there is one God.  Good for you!  Even the demons believe this, and they tremble in terror.  How foolish!  Can't you see that faith without good deeds is useless?


James is one of my favorite books of the Bible. He doesn't beat around the bush.  He's pretty straightforward in his thinking and what he stands for.  James says things in ways I wish I could.... but never would lol.

The preacher preached yesterday about James (can't remember the verse... sorry), and about how if you have faith that is awesome, it's what you need... but if you don't use that faith to help others, what good is it 'really'... for the good of the world anyway? 

Your faith and your believing in God will get you to Heaven, but what about everyone else?  What about all of the people you could have helped?

Good deeds won't get you to heaven in and of themselves. You have to be saved along with them, but if you don't have good deeds with your faith it means nothing for you in the long run.. eternally speaking of course.

If you have faith, show it by reaching out to others.  The church's Thanksgiving dinner was one of the most fun times I've had at church.  It was awesome to know that you are helping people. 

You don't have to wait for whatever your church is doing at the moment to spread good deeds around.  I don't want my life to be 'useless' because I didn't use my faith in God to help them.  I would probably feel bad about that.

How about you?  What good works do you do/can you do? 

It is a great feeling to help others :)  What are some simple ideas you all can think of to help others that don't take a lot of planning (I know we are all stretched for time right now).

God Bless You :)


Sunday, November 20, 2011

day 154:Loaves and Fish

Matthew 16:8-10

New Living Translation (NLT)
8 Jesus knew what they were saying, so he said, “You have so little faith! Why are you arguing with each other about having no bread? 9 Don’t you understand even yet? Don’t you remember the 5,000 I fed with five loaves, and the baskets of leftovers you picked up? 10 Or the 4,000 I fed with seven loaves, and the large baskets of leftovers you picked up? 
Sometimes you forget that God is still doing the same things now as he did then-- but it is easy to miss because there aren't books added to the Bible including the 'every day' miracles we experience now days.
Tonight at church, we had that reminder of this verse.
We had our first Thanksgiving supper for those in need tonight.  Now, I go to a small church (36 members) and the other church on the charge has about the same amount.  So we ain't large.
We had ran an ad in the paper for a few weeks. None of us expected a big response. 
SO when we got there and learned we had orders for 71 trays, we were freaking out!  Excited, but freaking because we were unsure we had enough food.
None of us were expecting that.  Hoping that we could help people, but not sure if we had the resources to help 'that' many.
The preacher prayed over the food.  We all prayed (at varing times mostly to ourselves) that we would have enough food to last.
When we were running low on something, lo and behold, someone would come in carrying another dish with exactly what we needed.
Now, we ran out of some things (like potatoes).. BUT....
We never ran out of turkey or dressing or green beans or rolls...
Oh... We thought we were going to! 
Numerous times we were down to the 'last one' and we would 'find' one somewhere.  We were low on cranberry sauce for awhile and one lady found 2 cans sitting where she hadn't seen them before (right where she had been standing all night).
All in all, we ended up fixing 132 trays!! About 115 of them were sent to people in need. The others ended up being left overs that some of us took home... AND we had enough food for all of the workers (probably 20-25) to have a plate of food.. AND we had leftovers! 
Going from fearing we wouldn't have enough to feed 71--
to having leftovers after feeding over 140.
God Bless You!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

day 153: Temptation

1 Corinthians 10:13
But remember that the temptations that come into your life are no different from what others experience.  And God is faithful. He will keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can't stand up against it.  When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you will not give into it.


The old saying goes, "God won't give you more than you can bear."

Well, that isn't exactly in the Bible.

What *is* in there is that God won't let you be tempted past what you can stand up against.

So, that, of course, means we will be tempted.  And sometimes it feel like you are being tested a lot.  Sometimes it would be so easy to give up. Sometimes you don't even know what you are going for. Sometimes it seems like God had completely forgotten about you. 

That is a lot of sometimes. 

God has given you the tools to use when life goes crazy... when you can't make sense of it... when things happen that you can't understand.  We will be tempted.  If you know that for certain, then when the temptations come along, those "what did I do to deserve this" thoughts don't run through your head.  The answer is you didn't do anything.  Things happen.

But God will/has given you the tools to conquor these situations.  He had led you through up to now for a reason, and he has let you get through this 'temptation' to prepare you for another one in the future (but that's ok. It will all be ok.)

God will never allow you to be tempted past what you can handle.  He will give you the tools to get through it.  Don't forget that.  And don't give up.

God Bless You :)


Friday, November 18, 2011

day 152: Power and Strength

Isaiah 12:2

I trust you to save me, Lord God, and I won't be afraid, 
My power and my strength come from you,
and you have saved me.


I prayed tonight for God to show me a verse that I really needed... and that you really needed.

This is what I opened up too.

I could have cried.

How much do I really trust God?  How much do you?

We talked a few days ago that if we trusted God... really trusted Him... that we wouldn't worry because we would trust that He had our back. 

This goes a little further. 

Our power and our strength comes from God. 

Everything we 'think' we have on our own, it comes from God.  Our power, our ability to trudge though when things get hard.  Our perserverence.  It all comes from God.  And it is all because we asked Him to save us and live in our heart.

If your strength comes for God, and God is... well.. God, then you can do anything.  ANYTHING! 

I just think that's awesome :)

God Bless You :)


Thursday, November 17, 2011

day 151: "Never Give Up"

James 1:2-4
 2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. (NLT)


So, who has ever wanted to give up on something?

*Kelly raises her hand WAY up!*

My other blog Oh That Mom Again has had 2 'series' in the past few months. One was a nine week cleaning challenge. I think *maybe* two other people participated in it with me, but I was commited to it and saw it through... hard as it was honestly lol.

Now, next Monday is the last week of the"What is Love?" Bible study that I wrote over there.... it's not gotten the greatest response ever, but I made a commitment to God (even though I was so scared that no one would do it and I'd look like a dork.... but God said to "Just write it".  So I did.  And it is what it is. And it will be finished.)

Even though I wanted to give up on both of those things due to lack of response, I didn't because I had made a commitment to God that I would do it.

I believe that those things have helped me grow as a person and persevere when I normally would have quit. I'm more of the quiter when things get tough or not going my way.

Anyone else like that?

God puts things in our path so we will learn and grow from them.  Once we perserver though them, we realize how we have grown and changed, and what God has done for us.

I'm definitely not bragging on Kelly here because *Kelly* would have quit a long time ago... and when I did think about it, I would pray.  Then something would happen and I'd get encouragement to keep going.  Same with this blog. Same with life.

I'm working on a book ( ).  Do I think that the book will ever get published?  Who knows?  If God wants it to happen, it will. But I do know that I'm going to get through it. I'm going to meet my goal.  I'm a stronger person because of it.

I know many of you have LOTS more going on than silly blog posts and 50,000 words in 31 days.  Just know that God is using it to strengthen you.  I don't know what is going on in your life.  But I do know that God knew me well enough to show me how to stick with things, even when they are hard or not going the way I thought they should. 

I'm praying for you to see the light at the end of your tunnel soon.  That you can look back and see how God has strengthed you by bringing you through whatever you are going through.  If you are commited to doing something, stick with it and see it through.  There is a light at the end of the rainbow :)

God Bless You :)


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

day 150: Reasons not to worry

Matthew 6:25-34

25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life[a]?
28 “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? 31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. (NLT)


I was reading a different Bible tonight. It's one of my husband's study Bible.  The reason I was using it was because it was closer than mine... and I was too lazy to get up...

But I'm glad I was...

I had read this verse before.  I've even written on it for this blog before.  But this Bible has "Seven Reasons Not to Worry" listed out based on this verse. 

The Bible my husband has is the Student's Life Application Bible. 

The bold is what says...
I'm going to add my own comments under it.

Seven Reasons Not to Worry....

1. The same God who created life in you can be trusted with the details of your life.
*A lot of times, we thank God so much for making us.  We marvel at how he could create life out of dirt, but we can NOT fathum how he can solve our everyday 'worldly' problems.  Putting our trust in God means that we understand that "He's Got This." 

2. Worrying about the future hampers your efforts for today.
*Worrying takes time.  It takes away time you could spend reading the Bible or helping others. It also hurts your health because it makes you feel tired and drained.  It takes away your energy that you need to get through today.  We aren't even promised tomorrow, so why do we waste so much time worrying about things we can't control anyway?

3.  Worrying is more harmful than helpful.
*What are some health issues that come from worrying?  Just off the top of my head I can think of: anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, addictions, heart problems, ulcers, etc.  Worrying hurts... literally.  If you worry about a tree falling on your house in bad weather, and a storm comes up, does all of your worrying help? No.  It probably hurt because you were probably too worried to fix the problem anyway. 

4. God does not ignore those who depend on Him.
*Thought you were pretty self-reliant, didn't ya?  We all depend on God.  I read this thing once where this guy had invented this machine that made people out of dirt like God did.  He was bragging to God that people didn't need Him any more because people had gotten so smart that we could make people.  God said, "Ok, fine.  Now.  Make the dirt."

He, of course, couldn't.  We depend on God more than we think.  If God stopped making air, we would die.  If he stopped producing food (even McDonald's food), we would die.  And because we are dependent on Him, he will take care of us.

5. Worry shows lack of faith and understanding.
*I should probably say that I'm a big worrier.  BIG.  So this point hurts a bit.  I like to think that I have faith and understanding, but my actions say otherwise.  This is something I need to pray on.  Anyone else?

6. There are real challenges God wants us to pursue, and worrying keeps us from them.
*God had a plan for all of us.  The Devil doesn't want us to fulfill that plan... so what does he do?  He plants those little seeds in our head.  That doubt.  Those 'what-ifs'.  Worry takes time away from God, which Satan wants.  We need to kick him to the curb and trust in God.

7. Living one day at a time keeps us from being consumed with worry.
*I've been worried a lot this weekend.  My oldest daughter has been sick with a fever (ranging from 99 to 103).  I was worried about her, and I was worried about my 2 other kids because I didn't want them to get hurt. I was also worried about missing work and trying to plan for babysitting/staying home/strategy for when/if the others got sick.

I wasn't thinking in the here and now.  Turns out my daughter doesn't have anything contageious.  She had a bad UTI and is dehydrated (so we are pushing water down her...).  All of that worrying and 'what-ifs' was for nothing.  I believe that God did that to show me a lesson.  1. To trust in Him.  2. That He is in control.  And 3. Don't worry about tomorrow when today isn't even written yet.

I hope this has helped you as much as it has helped me.  God allowed me to find it at just the right time. 

God Bless You :)


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

day 149: Why we are supposed to love everyone

Matthew 5:43-48
"You have heard that the law of Moses says, 'Love your neighbor' and hate your enemy.  But I say, love your enemies!  Pray for those who persecute you!  In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in Heaven.  For He gives His sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and on the unjust, too. 
If you love only those who love you, what good is that?  Even the corrupt tax collectors do that much.  If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else?  Even pagans do that.
But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in Heaven is perfect.


In Sunday School class, we were talking about how we as Christians are supposed to love everybody.  It doesn't matter what they do, say, or think about us or each other-- our  job is to love them.  It doesn't matter if they are the worst sinners in the world, we are still supposed to love them.

That is a tall order!

The only way we are ever going to do that is by allowing God to control your life.  The more God lives in your heart, the more easily it is to love others-- because God loves others.

Do you ever wonder why bad things happen to good people?

I know I do a lot. You see someone who is a great follower of God having the worst time ever, but then a big 'sinner' seems to be blessed beyond belief.

A lot of times, people don't think it's fair.... and if you think of it like people, it's NOT fair.

However, God treats us all as his children.

Are any of your kids ever unruley?

I'd venture to say yes they are.  But do you stop loving them because they are?  Nope.

God didn't send Jesus here to save the already saved (of which there were none).... He sent him to save the sinners... big time and "little white liars".  God loves us ALL his kids and He blesses us all.  However, in the end, only the ones who have accepted His love and His son as their savior will get to go to Heaven and be with Him again.

It's God's desire for us all to come back to Him.. as it is any parent. 

We are to love everyone, even if they don't deserve it.... because God loves us even though we don't deserve it either.

God Bless You


Monday, November 14, 2011

day 148: A Song for the Overwhelmed

Psalm 61
O God, listen to me cry!

Hear my prayer!

From the ends of the Earth,

I will cry to you for help,

For my heart is overwhelmed.

Lead me to the towering rock of safety,

for you are my safe refuge,

a fortress where my enemies cannot reach me.

Let me live forever in your sanctuary,

safe beneath the shelter of your wings!

For you have heard my vows, O God.

You have given me an inheritance reserved for those who fear your name.

Add many years to the life of the king!

May his years span the generations!

May he reign under God's protection forever.

Appoint your unfailing love and faithfulness to watch over him.

Then I will always sing praises to your name as I fulfill my vows day after day.


I pray that you have a wonderful Monday. 

God Bless You.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

day 147: "One Jot"

 Matthew 5:18
For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. (KJV.. I think)


I'm using this version today because I have it handy. I was working on tomorrow's Sunday School lesson and thought it would be a good '365'. 

Anyway, this is Jesus talking and he's saying how people have accused him of coming and telling them not to follow the Jewish law any more.  In the verse before it, Jesus said that he didn't come to destroy the law, but to fulfill it.

He then goes on to this point that we are supposed to follow the Jewish law and not take 'one jot or tittle' away from it until the world ends.  A jot is the smallest Hebrew letter, or the yod.  A tittle is the small projection on the Hebrew letter that distinguishes it from similar letters.  So basically he's saying you have to follow the law all the way to every dot of the i and crossing of the t.

There is no way.

Do you have any idea how many laws there are in the Old Testament?  613 commandments.  That is a lot.

That can be discouraging (and confusing really).  But this what I get out of it.  The Pharisees were big on the law.  They prided themselves on living the law to the letter, and Jesus said that was good.  It was good to obey the law.  HOWEVER, our inside needs to be as 'good' as our outsides... in fact, our heart needs to be more so.

There is no way we can do any of it without God.  God has to live so fully in our lives that people can see Him in us. 

Following the laws are good.  Being a good person is good.  However, none of it matters if you don't know Jesus as your Savior.  Even good people don't make it to Heaven if they haven't asked Jesus to forgive their sins :(  God has to live inside you so He can shine outside you.

God Bless You :)


Saturday, November 12, 2011

day 146: Titus 2 (Oh My)

Titus 2:4-5

These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes, to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands.  Then they will not bring shame to the word of God.


Ok.... let's just talk about this verse for a minute because it keeps haunting me.  There are reasons (we will get into that later) it keeps coming back up in my mind, but we need to talk about it together I think.  I'd LOVE to hear your comments on this because I definitely don't have the answers on this one.  I can talk until I'm blue in the face about other verses... this one I know what I 'should' say and what I 'want' to say, but I'm afraid I'd be a big hyprocrit if I did.

So..... here goes.

If you've read this blog long enough, you know that I'm a working Mama.  I teach special education preschool.  I love my job, but I never NEVER thought I'd work after I had kids... EVER!  When I was in college, I used to laugh that my Daddy was spending all of this money on my education, then I'd get married, have a baby, stay home, and never use it again. I had it all planned out.  My mother (a Stay at Home Mom herself) told me, "Uh.... Kelly, it doesn't alway work out like that."


Cut to a few years later, I was pregnant with my first baby.  *I* didn't want to keep working.  The husband wanted me too.  There were lots (and lots and lots and lots and LOTS) of fights, tears, anxiety about it all. 

Then, I ended up getting a new job (because my old one was cut) and I had to go back to college while working... with a 5 week old. 

That was a big step for someone who never wanted to even work when she had kids.

I was in a pretty bad state, though I'm not entirely sure anyone really noticed it (not their fault.. I didn't want them too).  I think I cried more than I smiled and every day when I left my not even two month old at my mama's, it felt like I was leaving my heart (Ok, so I *might* not be completely over it yet...)

I know that it was for the best that I did it, and it's good (especially in this economy) for me to have a job.  My husband works in a factory and you know how fickle that can be. 

I will be honest and tell you that every time I read this verse (even now), my heart hurts a bit.  

Do I think women can work?  Absolutely.  I do it every day.

Do I think a woman SHOULD HAVE to work?  I'm not entirely sure on that part.  It would be nice if we lived in the old times when we had family farms and no one really had to go to the city to work... although then, we wouldn't have air conditioning and that would absolutely stink.

Then we get to the dangerous part of "submitting" to your husband when you make as much or more income than he does..... or if you go to work every day  just like he does... OR if you do the housework (mostly... he does help) on top of everything else.  It can cause resentment. 

Am I talking about anyone else, or is it just me?

Sometimes I think it would have been easier if I could have stayed home with my girls. It will always be something that I will regret that I couldn't do.  But now that they are older, I get to see them at school.  My middle daughter is even in my class :).  I know that my mother loves keeping them (mostly lol), so it's been good for her too.

But still, this verse keeps coming back to bite me.

I'm not big on the "don't tell me I can do something because I'm a girl." kind of thing. 

So basically, today's devotional is a big ole "I don't know" lol.  I know what it means, but I also know that I can't do it.  I can do my best.  I can try.  I know my  husband would love the 'submission/respect" part lol.  

I wish I had something better for you.  Just know that if you are like me you read a LOT of Christian blogs and most of those blogs are written by sahms.... and that's great :)  It can hurt sometimes though, especially if its something you always wanted.  Just know that IF you are a working mama, you aren't alone.  I'm right there with you... doing the best I can and praying it is enough :) 

I'd love to hear your thought on this.  It's something that I think about a lot. 

I'm not going to even get into the 'submission' part of because... well.... I'm not going to tell you how to do something that I'm not great at myself lol... sigh... I need work ;)

Anyway, Happy Saturday!  Have a great day and whatever you do today, enjoy it :)

God Bless You :)


Friday, November 11, 2011

day 145: Smile :)

Proverbs 15:30
A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.


Have you ever felt bad (either physically or emotionally) and pased by you and smiled?  It literally makes your day.  There is something about someone smiling at you that just makes you feel kinda... special for that brief minute or two. 

Wouldn't it be nice to bring that to others? 

Smile, even when you don't feel like it.  Because even if you don't have the words... even if you don't feel the best about yourself, a smile is something easy that can make some else's day.  And really that's what we need to think about.

I was at Walmart the other day, and I looked around so I could count the people who were smiling.  Wanna know what I counted too...... zero!

The moms were in a hurry (I can TOTALLY relate).

The kids were wanting a toy or were tired and wanted to go home.

The dads were doing their own thing.

The cashiers were working.

I literally saw no one smiling.

It was sad.

Now, you migh ask yourself... WHY would I want to smile at Walmart?  Well, because everyone needs to cheering up... and definitely at Walmart... and DEFINITELY this time of year.

Today, make an extra effort to smile at someone.  It will (more than likely) allow them to return the favor.

God Bless you!


Thursday, November 10, 2011

day 144: The Outside World

Titus 3:7
Also, people outside the church must speak well of him so that he will not be disgraced and fall into the devil's trap.


This verse in Titus goes with the one before it speaking about what criteria an elder must have in the church, but we need to learn from it even if we aren't elders.

It is interesting sometimes when you are talking to someone sometimes and find out they are a Christian.  Sometimes you know (or guess) they are by how they act.  And some, well, it is shocking.  Not to judge anyone, but there are some actions that you don't expect a Christian to do.

A Strip Club on Saturday and church on Sunday doesn't scream "Christian".

Cussing like a sailor doesn't scream Christian (even if you are one).

I'm afraid to step on some toes with today's devotional.  Know that I'm not judging you.  But the outside world is.

How many times have you either been talking with someone or in a disagreement with someone and the sentence, "I thought you were a Christian." comes out of their mouth.  Strangely, the non-Christian's in the world seem to know exactly how a Christian is supposed to act and if you don't, they call you on it.  It is annoying, but it is true. 

We have to be the example (and use Jesus as ours).  We won't be perfect, but we can try out best to do what we are supposed to-- AND if we mess up, we need to say we are sorry.  We don't want to give the world any (more) reason to think bad of Christianity.

God Bless You!


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

day 143: A Verse to Memorize

Autumn thyme thanks
photo from

Psalm 118:1

Give thanks to the LORD,

for he is good;

his love endures forever.

God Bless You, Kelly

Linked with: Thankful Tuesday

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

day 142: Inspiration from Pinterest

1 Peter 5:7
 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

Have you ever been to

I get these notions where I go there a lot... and then I go days without going there again.  I get sucked in there and can't get out.  And here I thought facebook was bad.

One thing I like about pinterest is the sectio called "Prints and Posters" (I think that's what it's called anyway).  It has lots of quotes, scriptures, etc. with pretty little pictures where it catches your eyes and makes them pop.

Now, I know you love me... and I know you wouldn't read this blog if it didn' touch you in some way, but even I know it can be boring a times.  There are rarely pictures, and usually the same type.  The short answer is that as much as I LOVE that type of stuff, I don't have time.  I do good to get a typed post up daily. I'm sorry about that.. I really am.  I'd like to 'spruce up the place'. Maybe a January 2012 revamp or something.

Do you have anxiety over anything? I know I do.  I have a lot of it. Most of it comes from me not wanting to mess up.  Now, I'm not sure where that comes from, but it just kills me if I think I'm going to mess something up or not do what I'm supposed to do.  I remember when my oldest daughter was born.  I had her in the hospital with me, and I started to freak out.  I remember crying and my husband asked me what was wrong. I told him, "She is so new and so perfect. I'm afraid I'm going to mess it up."

I don't have to tell you that I had a lot of depression after she was born (work/school related and I had LOTS of anxiety about not being able to stay home with her.).  If you boil it all down, I was anxious about not doing everything I could 'right' for her. 

I still am that way about some things.  I don't want to mess things up.That is just plain ole anxiety (and the devil spread in there for good measure.)

I have to learn to cast my anxieties to God because he cares for me.  If I hadn't of gone through what I had when my oldest was a baby, I wouldn't be a sped teacher-- a job I do believe I'm called to do.  When  you look back, you go "Ahhhh..." but it's certainly not fun when you are going through it.

What anxieties are you holding on to?  Do you ever feel like you aren't good enough?

I'm right there with you. But we need to decide right here... right today that we will pray for each other.  That will will give our anxieties to God and not worry about them any more.  To continue the analogy I used yesterday, if one of my kids are worried about something, it kills me. I do everything I can to help them, but I can't unless they let me.  God is the same way.  We can pray for God to help us, but until we allow Him into our hearts to actually do it, it won't do any good.

I'm praying today to give my anxiety to God.  Will you do the same?

God Bless You! :)


Monday, November 7, 2011

day 141: Booboos

Jude 1:24
And now all glory to God, who is able to keep you from stumbling, and who will bring you into his glorious presence innocent of sin and with great joy.


I like the book of Jude.  Well, I like all of the books (some make me blush more than others).  But there is something about the books written by Jesus' brothers that I think are pretty neat.  I mean, these people are related to the man.  They grew up with him.  They played together as kids. They ate meals with him.  They gave him birthday presents.  They watched him die.

I don't know, that just seems so cool to me.

We talked about the similar thing yesterday.  If you are going to boast about anything, boast on God.  Because all glory to God because even though he CAN keep you from stumbling, he doesn't all the time.

Like we are with our toddlers.  We can keep them from stumbling while they are learning to walk if we never let them down to explore the world.  We can help them, but it's better for them if we don't... and when they DO fall, we pick them up... give them love... kiss their booboos and set them down on their way again so they can stumble and make mistakes again.

We are God's kids.  He can keep us from stumbling, but he doesn't necessarily to it.

God Bless you!


Sunday, November 6, 2011

day 140: Boasting

1 Corinthians 1:31
As the Scripture say, "The person who wishes to boast should boast only of what the Lord has done."


It is so easy to think that you are all that when something you have had hand in is successful.  It's not hard to get the big head. 

But when something isn't successful, it is easy to blame God.

Well, guess what... God's hand was in it both. 

We can't do anything in this world without God.  We can't even wake up in the morning without Him. 

If you had a great idea work out at your job-- Boast on the Lord.

If you taught your child to do something-- Boast on the Lord.

If you baked the most awesome cookies ever-- boast on the Lord.

Because we know that we can do nothing without Him. 

Some people just like to boast.  They will boast about anything.  I'm bad about 'bragging' of all the things I've "had" to do (kinda the same). Instead of saying all the things I 'had' to do, I should boast on the fact that God did it-- or God allowed me to have the opportunity to do it.

If you feel that you have to boast, boast on what God has done. :)

God Bless You :)


Saturday, November 5, 2011

A quick post...

children's ministry blogs

I just wanted to say that this blog has been added to the Fellowship of Devotional Bloggers.  It is a really cool site where you can go check in and read blogs you might not have heard of before, but get an encouraging word from them-- and want to follow them further.

I can't wait to be able to read more of the blogs that are linked on the site.  You never know when/where you can find encouragement.

God Bless You :)


day 139: A weekend reminder

Psalm 9:1
I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart;
I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done.
I will be filled with joy because of you.
I will sing praises to your name, O Most High.


So..... show of hands.... who has been their best self this week?

*Um.... yeah, in case you are wondering, mine is not up.*

I've not been the best I've ever been this week.  I've had doubts, and I've allowed those doubts to take over things I shouldn't have let them.  I have prayed about it, and I'm getting through it.

I found (or I should say God lead me) to this verse tonight. 
I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart.
*I want to praise with all my heart... I want the doubts to go away.  I want the fear to disappear.  I want to just praise the Lord-- and I am!

I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done.
*have I told you the things God has done for me? If not, I'm ashamed of myself.  God has allowed me to wake up this morning.  He took care of us on the road this afternoon (2 near wrecks).  He took care of my girls.  He gave me a word to give you. I now have 50 followers at oh that mom again which I never thought would happen!  He's an awesome feller!  He provides even when we don't look for it.

I will be filled with joy because of you.
*I have let the devil steal my joy this week.  Well, some of the days at least.  Satan doesn't give joy. He gives frustration, aggrivation, and annoyance.  Joy comes from God.  Ironically, our "sight word" for this week in my classroom was "joy".  I think it fit.

I will sing praises to your name, O Most High.
*I have sun Church songs all week... but I haven't really been praising while I was singing. I was just... singing... because I knew the words.  Tonight, while I was at supper with my husband and my kids, I had a song in my head. I didn't sing any of it... lo and behold my 6 year old started singing it, and my husband sang along.  I had to smile.  It must have been a song God wanted to hear.

I don't have a closing to this. Sorry about that. 

*IF you have a devotional blog you'd like to add to the blog directory, either write it in comments or send me an email at ohthatmomagain [at] yahoo [dot] com.  with the name of the blog, address, and a brief summary of it. I'd LOVE to have a fully functioning directory someday here on this little piece of the net. 

*As always, if you'd like prayers, please leave me a comment or an email. Even when I don't know what else to do, I find comfort in praying.  I want to help you get though anything you are facing.  If you need someone to pray for you, please email me or leave a comment.

God bless you...


Friday, November 4, 2011

day 138: Who is against us?

Romans 8:31
What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us?


So this is the first night in over a week where I had to find a verse to write on.  I've been doing the encouragers checklist and just went with that. I thought it would be hard to find a verse-- but I prayed, opened my Bible and this one popped up.

I'd say, that is a good one to find.

God knew that I needed it-- do you?

We all have people we don't get along with.  We all feel like people are against us at times.  But it doesn't matter.  If God is with us, no one can ever be against us.  God is bigger than anything else on earth.  Any person. Any problem.  Any annoyance.

This verse did my heart good-- I hope you did too.

God Bless You :)


Thursday, November 3, 2011

day 137: Encouragers Checklist (XII)

1 Thessalonians 5:23
Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again.


This is the last post on the encouragers checklist.  Today, we are going to talk about Counting on God's Constant Help.

If we read this verse, it seems impossible to do.  There is no way that we as humans can be blameless.  We have human thoughts, human ideas, human eyes, and human hearts.  We aren't perfect and we make mistakes. 

So, how in the world can we be blameless?  We are blameless because everytime we tell God we are sorry and ask for forgiveness, we are wiped clean again.  Snow white.  Pure.  Of course, we mess up again, but then we ask forgivenss again and are pure again.

There is no way to be able to do this without God.  And that's what all of these verses, all of these checklists have lead up to.  We can't be encouragers without God's help.  We can't help others without God helping us. It's all about us realizing that we need him and that we can't do this without Him.  That's how you encourage someone.  You allow God to use you in whatever means He needs to encourage other people.  It's not us... It's Him.

Here is the entire encourager's checklist.  Remember there is no way that 'we' can do this alone.  There is no way to live an encouraging or even a Christian life without God. 

Encouragers Checklist
*Build each other up.
*Honor and respect spiritual leaders
*Live in peace
*Warn the lazy
*Encourage the timid
*Help the weak
*Be patient
*Resist revenge
*Be joyful
*Pray continually
*Give thanks
*Do no stifle the Holy Spirit
*Do no scoff at prophecies
*Avoid every kind of evil
*Count on God's help

We have covered them all and ways to encourage others using them.  But we should know that these are things to do for ourselves in encouraging ourselves.  Sometimes we need a bigger peptalk than others lol. 

And remember, humanly we can't do this.  But with God, we can :)

God Bless You :)


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

day 136: Encouragers Checklist (XI)

1 Thessalonians 5:22
Stay away from every type of evil.


We as Christians can't avoid every type of evil.  We live in a world full of sin.  It's not like we can walk in the "I'm a Christian--- no sin allowed" bubble (but if someone has one of those, I'd love to borrow it.)

What this is saying that we shouldn't willingly go into the sinful lions' den.  We shouldn't actively seek out porn, or adulterous relationships, or lies, or drugs... or any other kind of evil.

However, we all know that sometimes it finds us.  We might be watching an innocent tv show and a commercial with a shirtless man walks in and we are like "ohhhh..." and then we have lust and then it's a downward spiral.  We have to be very careful--- very careful.

How does this lead to encouraging people?
*If we know some is struggling with something, don't inadvertantly tempt them with it (ie going out to eat at a restaurant with drinks or watching an R rated movie)

*Try the best you can to keep your own heart clean (not easy I don't believe).

*Pray for others as well as yourself.

This world has a lot of things in it to tempt.  Even things that can be good can be evil if we let them.  We live in this world now-- so the trick is trying to figure out the balance between living in the now without sacrificing our tomorrow (ie Heaven).

God Bless You :)
