Luke 12:31-32
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and He will give you everything you need. So don't be afraid, little flock. For it gives your Father great happiness to give you the Kingdom.
Would we worry so much if we truly believed that God would provide everything we needed?
That's a loaded question, ain't it? lol
I'm kinda bad about this if you want me to be honest. I'm a worrier. I'm better than I used to be, but still--- when I see the bank account going down, I get a bit freaked out.
I know that it makes God happy to give me everything I need-- but sometimes things I 'think' I need aren't really needs at all. They are most defintely wants, but at the time I'm convinced they are needs.
What are our needs? Food, clothes, shelter.
That's it. As long as God provides those 3 things for us, then we are set. The rest is just extra.
But how many of us just give our kids food, clothing, and shelter? we give them much more because we love them--- and we are God's kids whom He loves very much.
There are certain situations that I don't know what the outcome will be. The unknown tends to make a person nervous-- but God is the one who knows and who provides. Trusting in him is the only way to truly have peace.
**I couldn't write this without acknowledging that this is day 100!! Wow. I can't thank God enough for letting me write these. I sure couldn't think of them all on my own. He is awesome :). I wish I had something I could give you faithful readers-- but I have nothing-- so here is my love and admiration. I'd type these anyway since I promised God I would, but it does help reading your comments and how they are helping you in your lives. You have all encouraged me so much. Thanks-- and here is to 265 (+) more :)
God Bless You :)
Kelly, I just finished up a post for tomorrow on Woman to Woman using this verse. ;) The more we know God, the more we love Him and understand just how much He loves us. And the more we understand His great love for us, the less we worry, because we know He will provide for His children. Many blessings!
ReplyDeleteThat's is cool, Lisa :) I really like this verse. I'll have to check that out.
ReplyDeleteGreat post Kelly, and congrats on the 100 day mark. Looking forward to the next 265.
ReplyDeleteGod bless