Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. 1 Cor. 15:58


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 11: "I can do all things..."

Philippians 4:13-- I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.

How awesome is that?  That is a pretty definite statement.

'I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength.'

Think on that....


Now, that doesn't mean that we should jump off of a 10 story building and expect to fly.  God doesn't make us "superhuman" or "invincible".

But it does mean that the desires of our heart can be done.

Things that scare us.  Things we don't know how to start.  Things we don't know how to finish-- all of these things we can do because of Christ.

When we have a desire in our heart or if we are worried about something-- we need to pray and get our strength from Jesus.

If something is going on in your life, you can gain strength from God.  We humans are weak at times.  God never gets tired.  That is hugely comforting to me!

God Bless You!


(linked with Women Living Well Wednesday and Word Filled Wedensday )


  1. Love this verse! Thanks for sharing it here. Blessings!

  2. Hi Kelly. this is one of my recent memory verses. I think the problem with me is a sort of breeze over it - when in fact it is an awesome verse.
    God bless and thanks for the reminder of our powerful God.

  3. My life verse! Thank you for this. :) I usually recite this quote all throughout my days. It keeps me going and peppy!

    Love always,

  4. Love <3. I think this definitely applies to all things of a spiritual nature. God gives us a lot more strength that we can ever muster up on our own. Thank you for sharing these and reminding me why God is so great!

  5. One of my favorite it!

  6. This is hugely comforting to me too!

  7. Thanks so much for the comments :) Once I wrote this, I kept seeing that verse (or variation) all through out the Bible. It really is true... with JESUS ALL things are possible! :) Amen.
