Life Stinks...
...Without God.
"live in such a way that those who don't know God
will come to know God because they know you"
- Unknown
Our life in God is essential to the eternal life that awaits our coming. Christ came and made known God. He made known the God, that prophets tried to teach, but no one listened. Christ took off his heavenly, king robes, and appeared as one of us, so that we may have life in him.
It is necessary that we, whom believe in God, keep that life going; making sure it doesn't get flat. Like a car tire. It will eventually go flat, because of all the driving, so for the protection of the car and the tire it is an absolute thing to keep filling it up with air.
Same as our life in Christ. It can and will get flat.We often must go to mass, confession, and when we can renewing retreats. But we must watch, that going to mass doesn't turn from a ritual to a habit. We have to watch to make sure we are need and want to, not that we have to. We have to be careful for it easy for this it to turn into a regular habit.
But that isn't enough.
No, not even close. Our life in Christ isn't simply one that requires us to go to a building we see once a week. As St.James puts it, "...Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action is dead" [James 2:17] It it the daily action we do, that also keeps the tire spinning. It is how we walk about, and living our lives. It's if we choose to be the Priest filled with pride, or the kind Samaritan that decides to help out those in need.
Moreover, our Christian life isn't one that's easy, and lazy. It's a life that takes courage and it takes us going out of our own way to do the Lords will. It is a call, to go and be brave, to go against the 'wave.' It is a life that requires us to practice what we pray. It is a life dedicated to the work of God.
When we are done this earthly life, and have moved in front of the gates of heaven, God will be happy to accept us, when he sees his will, not ours. It is hard, to have that listed, but of course through the power of prayer, it is possible.
May we, the people living the Christian Faith (and the Future ones) live the life of Christ. By praying for the strength from God to be able to preach and to do his will!

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