Good morning :)
It's Friday so that means I get to spotlight a blog on the devotional list. I love doing this :) I love reading the responses and learning more about the wonderful people who write devotional blogs. I hope you do as well. If you are in the directory and would like to be in the spotlight, please send me an email at ohthatmomagain at yahoo dot com :) If you'd like to be added to the directory, please send an email to the same address.
Today's spotlight is Rebecca Aarup-- Undivided.
She was nice enough to answer a bunch of questions for us :)
1. Why do you write devotionals?
I write devotionals for many reasons. First and foremost because I believe
it is a ministry God has called me to. Secondly, I don’t want to waste my
experiences. If something I’ve been through can help someone else, I want to be
attentive to that need. God’s Word is exhaustive—it covers every subject, every
type of pain, and every circumstance imaginable. Devotionals are excellent ways
to dive into the depths of Truth (the Bible) and apply it to every-day living.
2. What is your favorite thing about writing devotionals?
I love taking little nuggets of truth, perhaps things easily overlooked, and
addressing them in a short devotional. In Bible College I recently sat through
lectures on Revelation 4 & 5 and was brought to tears at the reality of
what awaits those who have trusted Christ. I was especially surprised at what
Rev 5:8 said concerning prayer, which gave birth to a devotional touching on
the subject of prayer in a different way than one might be used to. Of course,
that is one example of thousands.
3. What is your favorite book of the Bible to write over?
Oh boy, this question is impossible to answer. I can tell you my favorite
chapter is Psalm 119, and I spent about 18 months studying it. I have learned
to love God’s word, all of it, through the study of this Psalm. All Scripture
is inspired and profitable (2 Tim. 3:16) and I really believe that. It is all
precious to me and a privilege to write about.
4. Do you have a general idea what you are going to write over, or do you
find a verse and just free write?
Most often I am in the middle of doing something completely unrelated when a
spiritual truth will strike me about a situation. I have notebooks all over my
house, in my purse, in the car…everywhere. When the idea hits I jot it down and
take the research from there. Truthfully I don’t like taking random verses out
of context and making them fit into my theme, rather, I try to take the word of
God and expound on a theme already presented.
5. What made you decide to write?
I remember reading and writing at a very young age. The first “book” I ever
wrote was about my pet hamster that died—I was 8. I never pursued publishing
that one. Over the years I have always enjoyed reading and writing. But it was
only recently (March 2012) that I decided to focus on writing full time,
including going back to school and getting a degree in Biblical studies. God
has opened many doors in a short amount of time, and I am extremely blessed in
6. What is your favorite part of having a devotional blog?
Meeting new people and developing relationships that otherwise would never
have been possible. One woman emailed me to thank me for posting the things I
have about addiction and eating disorders, and through that we developed a sort
of “email” friendship and accountability. Another reader sent me a book she had
written and self-published so I could review it and give her my opinion (which
still blows my mind that she cared what I thought) and now we email back and
forth encouraging each other.
7. What is the hardest part of having a devotional blog?
For me, the hardest part is dealing with rejection. Not everyone will like
everything I write, and though I usually accept this for what it is, it can
still be difficult to get negative feedback—or no feedback at all. I try to
remember that I am writing for an audience of One, and to focus on pleasing Him
instead of everyone else.
8. Do you have a favorite post? What was it about?
Wow, that’s tough. My recent post “Every Prayer Uttered” is on the top of
the list. The knowledge of Rev. 5:8 simply brings me to tears.
9. Do you ever find yourself writing about topics you need to be working on?
I find that I ONLY write about topics I need to be working on. I am in no
place to preach to others about what they should be doing unless I am first
recognizing my need in that area. And even then I try to approach my writing
with transparency. It won’t take long for readers to see I don’t hide anything.
I don’t hide my failures, my past, or my current struggles. I allow God to use
those things to mold me and I am not ashamed to talk about them. It is a part
of who I am and how I’ve developed spiritually. God has taken my ugliness and
turned it into something beautiful—which is what He wants to do with everyone. Perhaps
my biggest pet peeve is the need many Christians have to pretend like they are
“ok” all of the time, and put on a happy face at church when deep down they are
really struggling. We should be comfortable around our brothers and sisters in
Christ; we should be comfortable enough to reach out for help and confess our
sins to one another (James 5:16) as we seek healing.
10. If you can’t for the life of you decide on a devotional, what is your
back up plan?
Re-blog an old post or the post of a friend! I’ve done that a few times when
I’ve been too busy to post something new, or really liked an older post that I
felt should be re-visited.
11. Tell us about yourself: family, kids, schooling, (You don’t have to get
too personal if you don’t want)
I’m in a unique situation. During my “wandering” years I met and married a
man who was not a believer. Now I live in an unequally yoked situation, which
is probably the biggest challenge I face in my Christian life. However, through
that relationship my beautiful daughter, Samantha, was born (who recently
turned 5). It was through her birth that God brought me back to Him and
completely—radically—changed my life. I am now a student at Liberty University,
as I mentioned earlier, seeking a degree in Biblical studies. I’ve also taken
courses on journalism, devotional, and therapeutic writing. I work from home on
my writing, attend school full time, home-school my daughter, and am involved
in several ministries at my church. Life is full, to say the least.
12. Do you have a verse you try to live by (a life verse)? If so, what is
My life verse is probably not what most would consider “typical” but
nevertheless, it is one of the most precious to me, and once again, moves me to
tears just about every time I read it.
“Do you not know that the wicked will
not inherit the kingdom of God?...[Insert list of all the vile things you can
imagine people doing here]…And that is what some of you WERE. But you were
WASHED, you were SANCTIFIED, you were JUSTIFIED in the name of the Lord Jesus
Christ and by the Spirit of our God.” 1 Corinthians 6:9-11
I am not defined by my past anymore, I am defined by who God says I
am—washed, sanctified, and justified. Precious words to a wretched sinner like
13. How did you come up with your blog color scheme?
I love photography, and both of my blogs utilize my own photos. I usually
try to pull out some of the more unusual tones from the pictures to use as
accent colors.
14. What is one life lesson God has taught you either through blogging or in
Through blogging: I care far too much what people think of me and my writing
abilities. It is literally an issue I must daily surrender.
In general: I care far too much what people think of me.
Once again, I must daily surrender this issue to Christ and rely on Him alone
for my security. Whether or not I ever publish a book, am liked by others, or
even utilized in any “major” way (as far as the world views success and
purpose), I know that as long as I’m doing what God has called me to do, then I
am “good enough” for the One who truly cares for me and my every physical and
emotional need. Something I try to remember:
I’d rather do one thing well then a dozen things in mediocrity.
This keeps me from being overwhelmed in “busy-ness” and focused only on the
things which I’ve been called to. All for the glory of God~
Thank you so much for being in our spotlight 'hotseat', Rebecca! Folks, please visit her blogs: Undivided S.E.R.V.A.N.T. Sisters .
Thanks :)