Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. 1 Cor. 15:58


Friday, October 26, 2012

What to Do While You Wait by Jan Christiansen

There is no spotlight this week. If you'd like to be spotlighted, please send me an email or leave a comment... thanks...


What to do while you wait…

"The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you." Romans 16:20

As I read these words this morning, my heart leapt for joy. Have you ever prayed for something for a long time, knowing that God is able to resolve a situation and even knowing that He is willing to answer prayer, but still not see much happening?

It's those times when you must hold tight to your faith, pushing away doubts as they try to creep in...and they will try to creep in. When they do, stand firm. Proclaim that you serve a God who answers prayers, a God who is concerned with the affairs of man, a God who invites you to come to Him with every care of your heart.

Remind yourself of the times God has answered prayer in the past. Read and recite the promises that are written in His word. Thank Him in advance for the things that He is already doing that can not be seen with the eye, but are at work in the spiritual realm.

And then wait...patiently, for in due time...when the time is just right, the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet. Until then, let the grace of our Lord Jesus be with you. Remember, He is a God of peace. Rest in that peace until you see the answer manifest.

He is a God who answers prayer!

Jan writes at She Fancied Herself a Writer and Fellowship of Christian Bloggers... among other places..

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

New Blog Added to the Directory... :)

We have another new blog added to our directory!!! :) 

Renewed Strength's Mission is to help spread the word about the saving grace of Jesus Christ & help Christians strengthen their walk with Christ and live their life to God's glory!

*Go check it out and show David some E365 love.*

If you'd like your blog added, please email me at ohthatmomagain attt yahoo dottttttttttt com.

If you'd like your blog in the 'BLOG SPOTLIGHT' every Friday, please email me at the same address.


Announcement: My email was hacked.

If you got an email from me pleading for some money to help me back to America because I was attacked by robbers in a foreign country, please ignore it. 

I'm fine, safely tucked away in the ole U.S.A. My email, however, was not so fine. It was hijacked and taken to places it had never/didn't want to go. 


Anyway, I've fixed the problem (hopefully), but I wanted to give you a heads up, in case you were thinking of bailing me out (which was really nice of you... thank you :) )


Monday, October 22, 2012

Need Blogs To Spotlight :)

If you are interested in being in the blog spotlight (don't be shy... it's good to talk about yourself and how works in your life sometimes), please email me at ohthatmomagain at yahoo dot com.

First come, first serve.

Thanks :)


Friday, October 19, 2012


Every Friday, I like to spotlight the blogs in the devotional directory. It's a great way to learn more about them and see how/why they started writing devotionals.

Today's spotlight is shining brightly on SHAKIN' THE FOUNDATION :)

Stacey was kind enough to answer a few questions, so here we go:

1.    Why do you write devotionals? I write to share my stories of God’s grace and mercy in my life. I think it’s important for others to see they are not alone and no matter how messy life can get, our daddy God loves us all unconditionally.

2.    What is your favorite thing about writing devotionals? Watching how God will take a situation and use it for His glory.

3.    What is your favorite book of the Bible to write over? I have several however if I must chose it would be Jeremiah

4.    Do you have a general idea what you are going to write over, or do you find a verse and just free write? I never know what I am going to write about. I have learned that the Holy Spirit will nudge me with whatever lesson He is dealing me with on.

5.    What made you decide to write? I didn’t decide, and actually resisted for a spell, however when God calls you to do something, He doesn’t let up J

6.    What is your favorite part of having a devotional blog? The people I have met through bloggy land and the stories shared between us all. It still amazes me just when I think I am the only one going through a process, God will show me another one of his children is as well.

7.    What is the hardest part of having a devotional blog? Time J

8. Do you ever find yourself writing about topics you need to be working on?  Oh gosh yes!! All the time. My posts tend to be areas in my life God is working on in me.

9.    If you can’t for the life of you decide on a devotional, what is your back up plan? A inspirational quote or music pick me up.

10. What is your favorite part of blogging? The lessons learned and spiritual growth.

11.   Do you have a verse you try to live by (a life verse)? If so, what is it? Jeremiah 29:11 . That is my life verse.

12.  What is one life lesson God has taught you either through blogging or in general? No matter how messy life gets, I am never alone and my brothers and sisters in Christ are never far away for support. The enemy will try to make us believe we are the only one struggling, but God has shown me different!

Thank you so much for doing this, Stacey :)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Spiritual Burnout by Jan Christiansen

burnoutYesterday my husband and I were baking a couple of pot pies when all of a sudden we heard loud popping sounds. Looking toward the kitchen we saw what looked like fireworks going off in our oven. I started yelling, “Turn it off! Turn it off!” while Mr. Lee ran toward the kitchen and threw open the oven door before shutting the thing off. It was truly frightening. The back corner of the oven was on fire. The heating element had burned and melted nearly all the way through.
My heart was pounding! Fortunately, the pot pies were done.
Seriously, it was scary, but today I started thinking about how many times I’ve found myself feeling like I was going to spontaneously combust just like that oven did. Of course, it’s always at a time when I’ve over-committed myself, taken on too much and pushed myself too hard. I’ve ignored the early warning signs like forgetting things that are important, making silly mistakes and snapping at others because I’m all stressed out. It’s not until I’m at the end of my rope and ready to run away screaming that it occurs to me that I’ve gotten so busy that I’ve pretty much squeezed God right out of my daily life.
Oh, I still love Him, but I just don’t have time for more than a whiney prayer asking Him why He’s not stepping in to help me. 
That’s spiritual burnout – being so busy doing “God’s work” that you’re too busy to spend time with the Lord, Himself. Sad, huh?
Fortunately, I’m learning the value of giving myself time to pray and consider each new opportunity before making a commitment and I’ve learned that it’s okay to say “no” to good things in order to preserve time for the most important things.
How about you? Do you ever experience spiritual burnout? How do you avoid it or how do you handle it when you find yourself in that place?
 Photo Credit: shoothead via photopin cc


Jan writes at She Fancied Herself a Writer and Fellowship of Christian Bloggers... among other places...

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Stubbing that Toe... by Stacey W.

Stubbing that Toe…..

Have you ever stubbed your toe? I mean really stub it to the point of tears?

I have and boy does it hurt!!!

My eyes swell up with tears, I am hopping around on one foot (like that’s going to take the pain away) and holding my toe while holding my breath.

Not a pretty site…….

But what about when we stub our tongue?  When we make a statement that is not so friendly or express our emotions with unkind words?

Or maybe the meaning behind our words is taken out of context because we expressed our emotions incorrectly.

Well…….I did just that very thing this week. I didn’t mean to be offensive. I didn’t mean for my tongue to be stubbed, but it was and I did.

I allowed my emotions to overtake my fingers and post a status expressing my feelings that I shouldn’t have.

Poor judgment on my part~

(I am a big girl and can admit my down falls)

It was an “OMGOSH” can you believe that just happened?? And as the situation continued to escalate, for me and those around me sitting in disbelief, I stubbed my tongue through my fingers and voiced my opinion.


Yes I am still a work in progress :)

I could list all the reasons as to why I and the other parents were upset, I could justify why my feelings/emotions and attempt to validate my way of expression but I won’t. For me to grow and learn spiritually, I must take responsibility for my short comings and moments of weakness.

So as I hold my tongue, hop on one foot, while holding my breath today, my prayer today is my others to learning from my “stubbing” moment.

 God’s grace is amazing as I have received several apologies from others who witnessed last night incident, those expressing their heartfelt remorse to our girls and parents.

Isn’t our daddy God great that way?? :)

As my daddy God continues to work on me concerning my words and thoughts, I have now surrendered to him my posting privileges and bridled my “fingers” as well as my tongue. I pray for anyone else suffering from a “stubbing” moment, that you too will surrender it all to Jesus and let him be the healer of your words~

To be a witness of Christ love, grace and mercy, we need to walk and talk in His image and be careful not to stub our “toe”

Much Love~


James 1:26

New King James Version (NKJV)

26 If anyone among you[a] thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one’s religion is useless.

Stacey blogs at Shakin' the Foundation

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Importance of Prayer by Suzanne Harden


 Importance of Prayer

“So when God destroyed the cities of the plain, he remembered Abraham, and he brought Lot out of the catastrophe that overthrew the cities where Lot had lived.”  Genesis 19:29 NIV

God appeared to Abraham and told him that he was about to destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham was immediately concerned since his nephew Lot along with his family lived in Sodom. He asked the Lord if He could find fifty righteous people living there, would He spare the place. God said yes.

Abraham then proceeded to ask if he found 40 then 30 then finally 10 righteous people, if God would spare the cities. And God responded that if He found even 10 righteous people there, He would spare the cities. According to the story though, God could not even find 10 righteous people there.

Apparently, Lot was an important city official. The angels found him sitting at the gateway of Sodom. He and his family were comfortable there, despite its corruption. The angels who rescued Lot and his family had to practically pry them away from the city!

According to Genesis 19:16, when Lot hesitated to leave, the angels “grasped his hand and the hands of his wife and of his two daughters and led them safely out of the city, for the LORD was merciful to them.”
God spared Lot and his family as a direct result of Abraham’s prayers for them.

They did not want to leave the city, but God had mercy on them anyway.

This bible story assures me like no other that God also hears our prayers for our loved ones.  "For there is no partiality with God" the Bible says in Romans 2:11. Even though some of the people we love the most may be living lives far from His fellowship, God will have mercy on them and save them in his own time and way as we continue to lift them up to Him in prayer.

In Luke 18:1 we read: "One day Jesus told his disciples a story to show that they should always pray and never give up." 

One day the Lord came to visit Abraham along with two angels. He had given him a promise many years before and it had not yet materialized but God didn't want Abraham to give up believing that He would keep His word. I believe He looked Abraham in the eye when He asked him, "Is anything too hard for God?" (Genesis 18:14) "For with God nothing will be impossible.” (Luke 1:37)

"God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us." (Ephesians 3:20 MSG)

If God has given you a promise, He will keep it for He is always faithful. Keep praying for those loved ones who are far from Him. Remember the story about Lot every time you get discouraged and never give up hope.

Dear Heavenly Father, help us to not give up praying for those who are lost and need your love. In Jesus name. Amen

By Suzanne Harden

Suzanne blogs at Unto The Least Of These

Monday, October 15, 2012

New Blog Added :)

I'm very happy to announce a new blog added to the directory! Lori has a cool blog and I'm very excited that she found us :)

Click the link and see what her blog is all about:

Just Trying to Be a Blessing is a weekly inspirational message written to encourage Christians in their personal walk with God.  It uses humor and stories about ordinary life to teach important lessons about how extraordinary God can be in our lives. 

Big thanks to Lori for finding us :)

If you have a devotional blog and would like to add it to the directory, please send me an email at ohthatmomagain at yahoo dot com.


Friday, October 12, 2012


Devotional Blog Spotlight!!

Since it's Friday, we are shining the spotlight on another blog in the directory. this time it's Mike from Pray to God Today. Mike is in high school, but you'd never believe it by his maturity in his posts. I'm going to hand it over to him... 

Pray To God Today
1.    Why do you write devotionals?
I write devotionals because I have a calling from God to help others. And I find writing devotionals is a great way because I could possibly brighten someones day, teach them something or even make them expand on it if they want on their own blog.

2.    What is your favorite thing about writing devotionals?
My Favorite thing about writing devotionals is the fact that I am writing about Gods word for everyone to see. I love writing and teaching and living in the great experience of God, and helping others in this great Faith.

3.    What is your favorite book of the Bible to write over?
I don’t just have one favorite book to write on, I have several. They are; Exodus, Isaiah, Matthew, Mark, John, and Hebrews.

4.    Do you have a general idea what you are going to write over, or do you find a verse and just free write?

I usually don’t have an idea when I want to write. I will usually pray about it, look in the bible, or just look at things going on in my life right now. But at other times I do have a set thing I want to talk about.

5.    What made you decide to write?
What made me decide to write, and join the great blog community was just the fact I LOVE to share the Good News of God. I looked at other peoples blog. ( like this one) and it inspired me to write.

6.    What is your favorite part of having a devotional blog?
I get to meet a whole bunch of new and very nice people. Joining the devotional community was something I always wanted to. I enjoy writing but it’s also a great joy to see what other people are writing.

7.    What is the hardest part of having a devotional blog?
Keeping it up to date. Since I am a high school student it is VERY hard to keep up with new and exciting devotionals.

8.    Do you have a favorite post? What was it about?
My favorite post was when I blogged at Life of Us and Saints. It was “guitar with loose strings. I will post it and Pray to God today  later today. I really enjoyed it, because it was comparing the looseness of strings to our own lives… You have to check it out.

9.    Do you ever find yourself writing about topics you need to be working on?
All the time.

10.      If you can’t for the life of you decide on a devotional, what is your back up plan?
I don’t post that day. I Pray all day, and then I will go back to it the next day.  I often come up in this situation… more than I would like to admit. But it happens, and God will reveal something to me at one point.

11.      What is your favorite part of blogging?
My favorite part of blogging is sharing the Good news of God. I love sharing it, and reading what other people write. I really don’t know what people will get from my posts, but I still write them anyways. I like them and happy with them then I post it.

12.      Tell us about yourself: family, kids, schooling, (You don’t have to get too personal if you don’t want)
I am a high school student, who as a GREAT vision, of becoming a priest. I have ever since grade one. And I kept it strong and alive in my heart. I have 3 sibling, two brothers and one sister. I am the youngest in my family, and the only one who has a vision of becoming a priest. 

13.      Do you have a verse you try to live by (a life verse)? If so, what is it?
I do have a verse I try to live by and that verse is   from Matthew 6:12, “ Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us” I live by this because if I’m not able to forgive, how can I expect God to Forgive me?

Thank you so much, Mike!! I loved reading your answers. 

Please head over to Mike's blog and read other wonderful posts. He is also a regular contributor who blogs here at Encourage 365 every last Monday of the month.

If you'd like your blog added to the directory or if you are in the directory and want to be spotlighted, please send me an email at ohthatmomagain at yahoo dott com.


Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Power of Words by Jan Christiansen

The Power of Words

Have you ever thought about the power of words to influence our mood and our outlook on life?

Just look at the words on these stones and tell me how they make you feel?

Then think of some words that have the opposite effect on you.

Here’s your assignment…should you choose to accept. Pull out a tablet and draw a line down the middle of a page. On the left side of that line fill the page with words that make you feel good, words that encourage and uplift.

Then on the right side, make a list of words that drag you down and make you feel hopeless.

Next, make a promise to yourself that you will not use those spirit crushing words on yourself or anyone else. Read and re-read the words on the left. Get them stuck up in your head. Repeat them to yourself and use them on others.

Be an encourager…not a discourager.

Share with us what words are on your list (both sides), so we can all add to our lists.

Blessings to you,

Jan writes at She Fancied Herself a Writer and Fellowship of Christian Bloggers... among other places...

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Celebration Time!!! by Kathy

Today is a Great day for my family!!!!!!!!
My little sister, my mama’s youngest daughter, my brother in law’s beautiful, talented wife, my nieces’ wonderful mama, my sons’ and daughter in laws’ fantastic aunts’ first book is being released today!!!!!!
What  a time for celebration!!!!!!!!!!
God gives us all gifts. I would love to be able to write like she does. But my gifts are different from hers.
Each of us has a job to do for the Lord. He gives us the gifts and enables us to use them.  He puts the desire in our hearts and when the time is right we use them.
Romans 12:6-8 In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well. So if God has given you the ability to prophesy, speak out with as much faith as God has given you. If your gift is serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, teach well.
If your gift is encouraging others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly.
So today I congratulate my sister Kelly. You answered a call from God. There are not many young adult Christian books out there. Most young adult books are about vampires and zombies.

You are filling a gap. You are showing God’s love by writing these stories of faith.

You are showing young adults that there is a God who answers prayer and takes care of us. You are showing them that even though we may not get what we want as soon as we want it, God is on time to give us what we need. He is never too early, never too late.

If you have a gift, use it. If you have more than one, use them. They are God’s blessings!
P.S. Kelly, I want you to know that I am very proud of you. You are an inspiration to me. You make me want to be a better person.

 You know that I love your book  because after every draft of it I have read, when I read the final draft, even though I knew what was going to happen, I was holding my breath to see what was going on next. And I can’t wait to read it again.
I love you……Kathy
Awww... No, I didn't pay her to write that lol. Yeah, I'm very excited about the new book and about helping spread God's word. I read today that less than half of Americans believe in God. :( I think we need to help change that. ~Kelly
If you are interested in buying CROSSING THE DEEP, you can find it at:
Amazon (Link will be up later.. it takes Amazon longer to get things uploaded)
Crossing the Deep
 Sixteen year old Rachel Harker expects the church sponsored hiking trip in the Smoky Moun-tains to be short and painless. Four days later, injured and scared, Rachel prays to just make it home alive.

Asher Jenkins, fellow hiker and handsome skeptic who is only on the hike so he doesn’t have to go home and face his abusive ‘uncle’, finds Rachel in the woods and tries to get her back to Deep Creek Trail. A small hole hidden under the fall leaves causes her ankle to twist and forces Asher to leave her to get help. As night falls, he comes back, unable to find the right trail.

As hours stretch into days, an unexpected rainstorm bears down the mountain, flooding Deep Creek and cutting off their way home. Rachel puts all of her faith in God to save them. Asher thinks believing in God is a waste of time and does what he can to prove to Rachel that He doesn’t exist. 

With their food gone and the temperature dropping, time is running out. Will Rachel be able to do what needs to be done to get home? And can Asher find faith when he needs it the most?

Monday, October 8, 2012

Your Children and the Right Path...

Direct your children onto the right path,
and when they are older, they will not leave it.
Proverbs 22:6

I pray this happens. 

Friday, October 5, 2012


Good morning :)

It's Friday so that means I get to spotlight a blog on the devotional list. I love doing this :) I love reading the responses and learning more about the wonderful people who write devotional blogs. I hope you do as well. If you are in the directory and would like to be in the spotlight, please send me an email at ohthatmomagain at yahoo dot com :) If you'd like to be added to the directory, please send an email to the same address.

Today's spotlight is Rebecca Aarup-- Undivided.

She was nice enough to answer a bunch of questions for us :)

1. Why do you write devotionals?

I write devotionals for many reasons. First and foremost because I believe it is a ministry God has called me to. Secondly, I don’t want to waste my experiences. If something I’ve been through can help someone else, I want to be attentive to that need. God’s Word is exhaustive—it covers every subject, every type of pain, and every circumstance imaginable. Devotionals are excellent ways to dive into the depths of Truth (the Bible) and apply it to every-day living.

2. What is your favorite thing about writing devotionals?

I love taking little nuggets of truth, perhaps things easily overlooked, and addressing them in a short devotional. In Bible College I recently sat through lectures on Revelation 4 & 5 and was brought to tears at the reality of what awaits those who have trusted Christ. I was especially surprised at what Rev 5:8 said concerning prayer, which gave birth to a devotional touching on the subject of prayer in a different way than one might be used to. Of course, that is one example of thousands.

3. What is your favorite book of the Bible to write over?

Oh boy, this question is impossible to answer. I can tell you my favorite chapter is Psalm 119, and I spent about 18 months studying it. I have learned to love God’s word, all of it, through the study of this Psalm. All Scripture is inspired and profitable (2 Tim. 3:16) and I really believe that. It is all precious to me and a privilege to write about. 

4. Do you have a general idea what you are going to write over, or do you find a verse and just free write?

Most often I am in the middle of doing something completely unrelated when a spiritual truth will strike me about a situation. I have notebooks all over my house, in my purse, in the car…everywhere. When the idea hits I jot it down and take the research from there. Truthfully I don’t like taking random verses out of context and making them fit into my theme, rather, I try to take the word of God and expound on a theme already presented.

5. What made you decide to write?

I remember reading and writing at a very young age. The first “book” I ever wrote was about my pet hamster that died—I was 8. I never pursued publishing that one. Over the years I have always enjoyed reading and writing. But it was only recently (March 2012) that I decided to focus on writing full time, including going back to school and getting a degree in Biblical studies. God has opened many doors in a short amount of time, and I am extremely blessed in that.

6. What is your favorite part of having a devotional blog?

Meeting new people and developing relationships that otherwise would never have been possible. One woman emailed me to thank me for posting the things I have about addiction and eating disorders, and through that we developed a sort of “email” friendship and accountability. Another reader sent me a book she had written and self-published so I could review it and give her my opinion (which still blows my mind that she cared what I thought) and now we email back and forth encouraging each other.

7. What is the hardest part of having a devotional blog?

For me, the hardest part is dealing with rejection. Not everyone will like everything I write, and though I usually accept this for what it is, it can still be difficult to get negative feedback—or no feedback at all. I try to remember that I am writing for an audience of One, and to focus on pleasing Him instead of everyone else.

8. Do you have a favorite post? What was it about?

Wow, that’s tough. My recent post “Every Prayer Uttered” is on the top of the list. The knowledge of Rev. 5:8 simply brings me to tears.

9. Do you ever find yourself writing about topics you need to be working on?

I find that I ONLY write about topics I need to be working on. I am in no place to preach to others about what they should be doing unless I am first recognizing my need in that area. And even then I try to approach my writing with transparency. It won’t take long for readers to see I don’t hide anything. I don’t hide my failures, my past, or my current struggles. I allow God to use those things to mold me and I am not ashamed to talk about them. It is a part of who I am and how I’ve developed spiritually. God has taken my ugliness and turned it into something beautiful—which is what He wants to do with everyone. Perhaps my biggest pet peeve is the need many Christians have to pretend like they are “ok” all of the time, and put on a happy face at church when deep down they are really struggling. We should be comfortable around our brothers and sisters in Christ; we should be comfortable enough to reach out for help and confess our sins to one another (James 5:16) as we seek healing.

10. If you can’t for the life of you decide on a devotional, what is your back up plan?

Re-blog an old post or the post of a friend! I’ve done that a few times when I’ve been too busy to post something new, or really liked an older post that I felt should be re-visited.

11. Tell us about yourself: family, kids, schooling, (You don’t have to get too personal if you don’t want)

I’m in a unique situation. During my “wandering” years I met and married a man who was not a believer. Now I live in an unequally yoked situation, which is probably the biggest challenge I face in my Christian life. However, through that relationship my beautiful daughter, Samantha, was born (who recently turned 5). It was through her birth that God brought me back to Him and completely—radically—changed my life. I am now a student at Liberty University, as I mentioned earlier, seeking a degree in Biblical studies. I’ve also taken courses on journalism, devotional, and therapeutic writing. I work from home on my writing, attend school full time, home-school my daughter, and am involved in several ministries at my church. Life is full, to say the least.

12. Do you have a verse you try to live by (a life verse)? If so, what is it?

My life verse is probably not what most would consider “typical” but nevertheless, it is one of the most precious to me, and once again, moves me to tears just about every time I read it.

“Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God?...[Insert list of all the vile things you can imagine people doing here]…And that is what some of you WERE. But you were WASHED, you were SANCTIFIED, you were JUSTIFIED in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.” 1 Corinthians 6:9-11

I am not defined by my past anymore, I am defined by who God says I am—washed, sanctified, and justified. Precious words to a wretched sinner like me.

13. How did you come up with your blog color scheme?

I love photography, and both of my blogs utilize my own photos. I usually try to pull out some of the more unusual tones from the pictures to use as accent colors.

14. What is one life lesson God has taught you either through blogging or in general?

Through blogging: I care far too much what people think of me and my writing abilities. It is literally an issue I must daily surrender.

In general: I care far too much what people think of me. J Once again, I must daily surrender this issue to Christ and rely on Him alone for my security. Whether or not I ever publish a book, am liked by others, or even utilized in any “major” way (as far as the world views success and purpose), I know that as long as I’m doing what God has called me to do, then I am “good enough” for the One who truly cares for me and my every physical and emotional need. Something I try to remember: I’d rather do one thing well then a dozen things in mediocrity. This keeps me from being overwhelmed in “busy-ness” and focused only on the things which I’ve been called to. All for the glory of God~

Thank you so much for being in our spotlight 'hotseat', Rebecca! Folks, please visit her blogs: Undivided S.E.R.V.A.N.T. Sisters .

Thanks :)


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

If Your Sins Were Written On An Etch-A-Sketch by Wendy van Eyck

He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west. Psalm 103:2 (NLT)

I was playing with my baby cousins Etch-A-Sketch the other day. I was drawing funny faces and then wiping them away. Amazed at how with just one swipe all the dirt disappears.


There is no trace of it. Just whiteness. There is only the opportunity to start again as if for the first time. You are literally given a clean slate.

I don’t know when the last time you played with an Etch-a-sketch was, but one remarkable thing about it is that once you’ve wiped it clean there is nothing you can do to get the picture you’ve just cleared back.

And you can do this as many times as you need to.

Mess up a picture. Wipe it clean.

Want to start again. Wipe it clean.

This ordinary toy got me thinking about sin.

It got me thinking about how when God says he’s removed our sins from us this is what he means.

Once our sins were there, blotted all over our lives, and then Jesus came and with one swipe cleaned the slate.

Imagine all your sins, all the bad things in your life were written on an Etch-A-Sketch then imagine it was wiped clean.

They’re gone.

Gone. Just like God says your sins are.

You can never get them back, or think about them, they are gone. And you are free.

You have a clean slate. And the opportunity to start over.

Do you want a clean slate? Ask God to forgive you for whatever is troubling your heart. Then believe he’s taken it as far as the East is from West.

Wendy van Eyck blogs about everyday things at You can also find her on Facebook & twitter.