Well, it's great to be back. I'm glad to be back. I did do a guest post for this blog before. You might have seen it. (there is a link at the bottom) I always liked this blog. So, I asked if I could guest post, and i did, in 2011. Then I saw that this blog needed writers. So, with writing my blog, working on my new blog ( soon to be announced the release date of info)
My favorite section of the bible is Matthew 5,6, and 7. The sermon on the mount. Starting, with the beatitudes and ending with the men who build houses on rock and the other with sand. Everything in between is my absolute favorite. If I was to pick one of my favorites from Matthew 5 6 and 7, ( Which is hard) would be Matthew 7:7-8. And if you know your Matthew, this reading is the Ask, Seek and knock.
" Ask and it will be given to you;seek and you will find;knock and the door will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives;he who seeks will find; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened."
Are you scared to ask questions? Yes? No? Depends who it is? There is a lot of things that come into this question. What is the question? whom are we asking? What are answer are we looking for? What about this and that.... I often have questions.... And anyone who I know will probably say the same thing.
What is the first thing you do when you know something is missing? freak out? Pray? I do! When I know something is lost, and it means a lot to me or as great importance ( House keys,games,homework,textbook ect....) Of course I will pray to God! But God also wants us to seek. We need to seek for our item and we need to seek God. And God will do many marvelous things with us.
If we seek for Gods love he will give it to us. He will show himself. And then we can continue to grow and worship God in all love and joy. God, reveals himself to us EVERYDAY. We can only see him if we seek him. We have to seek him to know him.
Whenever we go to someones house (of course) it is just to knock and wait. Knock and wait. Seek, knock, ask. Knock at the door to come in. God is always knocking at our door to our heart. Wanting to come in, and he wants us to seek him. For God loves all his children and he wants to be within us.
Don't be afraid to ask God for something. Don't be afraid to seek God. And don't be afraid to knock on the doors of our friends. Don't be afraid to answer the door to God.
P..... Praise God. Thank God for everything he has done for you and for everything he has given you.
R..... Rest in Gods Arms. Do not worry about a thing.
A..... Ask God for what you need.
Y..... Yes God. Say Yes to God, let him know that you want him.
hope you enjoyed! see you next month!